2014 02 19 Biweekly


Wed 19 Feb @ 4pm ET/1pm PT

Registration link: http://bit.ly/1fjY6Qo (will not be used for 2/19 call)

> This is an off schedule call, due to the President's Day holiday.


  • Dave Steiner, Rutgers
  • Jeremy Rosenberg, USF
  • Bill Thompson, Unicon
  • Benn Oshrin, Berkeley
  • Ronnie Ong, Berkeley
  • Andrei Mattes, UCSF
  • Mukesh Yadav, UCSF
  • Muhammed Siddique, Rutgers

Agenda & Notes

  1. OR Governance
    1. Apache PMC
      1. For next call, everyone should review PMC proposal (but with more latitude than "committers") and ask questions or send comments to list 
      2. On next call, vote to adopt and then solicit volunteers for first governance committee
    2. Converging "OpenRegistry 1 " and "OpenRegistry 2" (Planning)
      1. Defer to next call
  2. Review incubation exit criteria
    1. Major pieces: governance, release plans, public website
    2. Need to figure out when Incubation Group/Apereo Board meets to get out of incubation before conference
      1. Benn to reach out to Ian
  3. Project Development Reports
    1. Berkeley
      1. Domain Model
    2. Rutgers
      1. Adding new SORs for current implementation
      2. Planning on merging new code into OR1
  4. Planning for OpenApereo
    1. Post conference meetup?
      1. Benn to find out if space is available
  5. ORII infrastructure update
    1. JIRA
    2. Confluence
    3. GitHub
      1. OR2 master
      2. Follow CAS and uPortal models?
      3. Bill to work with JJ/Dima to draft proposal for git branch structure
  6. ORII Sprint Planning
    1. Unicon working on changes to data layer, enhancements of the pipeline ("smoothification") to support UCB use cases, support for ID Match API callouts
  7. Next Call