2010 October Call


This is a monthly update call open to everyone to discuss the progress being made on OpenRegistry

Time: October 26th, 2010, 1:30pm Eastern

Click here to register and connect to the call: http://bit.ly/cbum1V

click here for local call-in numbers



  1. Update from Educause
    • Dave and Jeremy gave a great presentation
    • Met with Dedra from Berkely - interested in contributing developer
    • Met with Eric from University of South Florida
      • USF PeopleRegistry Presentation
      • USF Work on person matching and baggage claim should be rolled into OpenRegistry
      • Next up for USF is handling of role information, opportunity for collaboration
      • Possible conference call next week
    • Interesting conversation with Princeton, PeopleSoft is discontinuing the Student/HR combined package, future updates require separate installs
    • Lots of talk about the value of community and open source
      • 2 + 2 = 3 for open source contributors
        • collaboration has overhead but leverages additional resources for a net gain of 150%
        • real value is demonstrated when 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 5
  2. Update from Jasig Unconference
    • Several sessions with Grouper developers
      • collaborative project from day one between Bristol and Chicago
        • Now five active contributors including Cardiff, University of Pennsylvania and Duke
        • SVN Branches represent stable releases
        • Trunk is active development version
        • releases twice a year
        • someone handles fix merges every couple of weeks
        • each committer handles a specific area
          • web services, UI, complex internal API, LDAP, ESB, Documentation
        • Development is user driven (by the community for the community)
        • Changes that might affect people who don't want it are handled with switches in the config
    • Departmental accounts were discussed
      • recognized as a hack for mixing authZ into authN
      • may be a necessary evil, but should be avoided in the architecture if possible
      • correct mechanism is to create a departmental email account and provide shared access (for example)
    • Role based access control
      • really talking about centralized provisioning and de-provisioning
      • likely connection point to Grouper which handles permission calculation
      • Discussion about why campus and affiliation are included in OR roles (not in the original model)
      • Roles in OpenRegistry are really descriptions of relationships not necessarily used for access control
  3. OSS IDM Project
    • Born out of the summer ACAMP meetings
    • A plan for an open source stack
    • See ACAMP wiki space for details
    • OpenRegistry is a key piece of the puzzle
    • Other important pieces include a provisioning component (LDAPPC-NG) and group management (Grouper)
    • Conference call this Friday for anyone who is interested
  4. Spring Jasig Conference
    • May 21-23 in Denver back to back with Internet2 conference
    • Jeremy Rosenberg is program chair
    • Encourage Rutgers and others interested in OR to be there
  1. Next steps
    • We need to release something people can try out
    • Proposed division of distinct UIs into their own modules (see list posting)
    • Work towards releasing version 0.1 that can add, update, delete persons and move roles
    • Target end of December for release with full build and deploy documentation
    • At same time, work towards a coarse roadmap based on functionality
    • Build up tasks in Jira with an eye towards a flexible, agile environment that can welcome new contributors
    • Build up documentation, deep technical stuff:
      • How does the matching code work?
      • How is a new person created?
    • Governance
      • Role of the advisory committee


Action Items