2014 03 03 Biweekly


Mon 03 Mar @ 3pm ET/12pm PT

Registration link: http://bit.ly/1fjY6Qo


  • Benn Oshrin, UCB

  • Kevin Dale, UCSF
  • Omer Almatary, Rutgers
  • Bill Thompson, Unicon
  • Jeremy Rosenberg, SFU
  • Andrei Mattes, UCSF
  • Dima Kopylenko, Unicon
  • Ronnie Ong, UCB
  • Karl Grose, UCB (for Sondra)
  • Francesco Meschia, UCB

Agenda & Notes

  1. OR Governance (Apache PMC)
    1. Review PMC proposal (but with more latitude than "committers") and vote on adoption 
    2. Solicit volunteers for first governance committee
  2. Converging "OpenRegistry 1 " and "OpenRegistry 2" (Planning)
  3. Review incubation exit criteria
    1. Major pieces: governance, release plans, public website
    2. Goal is to get approval to exit incubation prior to June conference - timeline?
  4. Project Development Reports
    1. Berkeley
      1. Ongoing Data Model work
    2. Rutgers
  5. Planning for OpenApereo / Post conference meetup?
  6. ORII Sprint Planning
  7. Next Call
    1. 3/31 (no call 3/17)

Action Items

  • Benn to reach out to Ian / Incubation WG
  • Benn to request space for post-Apereo meetup
  • Bill to work with JJ/Dima to draft proposal for git branch structure
  • Benn to send note to dev list re adopting modified PMC
  • JJ to draft initial backlog for OR2 pipeline