Friday October 19, 2007
UCamp - Meeting
October 19, 2007
attendees: Allison, Shaw-Han, Gary, Barbara
- What is UCD? Introduction?
- Keep it short. How long? 30 mins.
** Gary and Allison - both have presentations, some combination.
UCamp Dev + Design Project
Reorderer for Layouts in uPortal:
- rearranging portlets on portal page (content blocks)
- drag and drop solution
- affordances?? interesting moments
- need a mockup??
- Shaw-Han to send out link to mockup for uPortal portlets
- reordering tabs for uPortal mockup exists
What do we need to be better prepared?
- mockup
- logistics of how this project segment will work? Small groups with one designer for each, one big group??
- other things??
- design patterns
- context for component use
- user research?
- usability testing (example using the reorderer mockup)
Proposed Timeline
30 mins - what is UCD
15 mins - outline of the following activities
15 - 30 mins - mock usability study
1.5 - 2 hours - work with dev on reorderer mockup
** Observe developers at work during project - mini contextual inquiry
Next Steps
- Shaw-Han to put up links to mockups
- Barbara and Shaw-Han to get mockups ready
- usability testing - Barbara
- intro - Allison and Gary
- Gary check attendance of past Ucamps
- Shaw-Han and Gary to contact developers on interest in this reorderer project