Winter 2007 UnConference Activity Ideas

Winter 2007 UnConference Activity Ideas

The following are some ideas for activities we might want to schedule when we arrive.   Please feel free to add your own or comment on the ones that are already listed. If you're thinking you're interested in participating in particular topics or areas, be sure to sign up on the participants page.



Lightning Talks

Many presenters giving very short talks. Maybe 10m talk + 5m Q&A and speaker switching - that would fit 6 talks in 90 minutes. Plenary works well so that everyone connects with some shared topics for discussion, shouldn't be too painful for people uninterested in a particular talk because they are short.

Code Reviews


Collaborative Development

Programmers get together to implement the need for a particular portlet and/or uPortal feature. Create content or features to make uP out-of-the-box a more compelling product



Screencast Recording

Help JA-SIG and uPortal gather better marketing materials! Developers with interesting open source software, compelling usages of the software, head over to a kiosk where someone versed in effective screenshot and screencast capture helps the participant to navigate to their cool software on the web and take some screenshots and screencasts that can then be input to an ever more compelling JA-SIG web presence.

Meeting & Planning

Board, Infrastructure Team, uPortal Steering Committe, uPortal stakeholders


Conversations topics attendees are interested in and who they would like to have involved.


Open sourcing, UCamp, Portlets, Spring Framework, uPortal



Infrastructure and Services Team Meeting at the Unconference

A team meeting to focus in on our current and future efforts.