Winter 2007 UnConference Participants

This page collected a wiki presence of who attended the Winter 2007 UnConference in New Brunswick (New Jersey), what they were looking to learn about, work on, and accomplish, and what expertise they brought to share. Travel arrangements were in some cases also noted.

Formal registration was through Concentra!

This page exists for informal participant listing, lots of lovely open metadata about interests. The formal registration site existed for formal registration. Formal registration was required in addition to informal listing here and formal registration likely indicates a more accurate and complete accounting of attendance.



Seeking to learn about / discuss / do

Expertise and experience available

Travel arrangements

Faizan Ahmed

Rutgers University - Enterprise Application & Services

Become familiar with uPortal 3, Idm, Portlets, DLM, Java Development

uPortal, Spring, Spring Webflow, Hibernate



Rutgers University - Enterprise Application & Services

CAS, Maven2, IdM, Java development

CAS, Maven, IdM, Spring, Spring Webflow, Groovy


Dan Biondi

Sacramento State

uPortal, CAS, best practices, implementation strategy, local mod integration, migration strategies, branding, content approaches, etc., etc., etc.


University Inn
Sun PM - Wed PM leaving Thu AM

Allison Bloodworth

University of California, Berkeley

u-Camps, uPortal user experience & the Fluid Project

interaction design, user experience, user-centered design, uPortal, Sakai

University Inn
Sun PM - Tues PM

Jen Bourey

Yale University


uPortal, AJAX, Spring

Days Inn
Sunday PM - Friday AM


Yale University

Become familiar with uPortal 3, share work on maintenance and migration tools for uPortal which should be progressing by November, JA-SIG organizational development

experience running uPortal 2, DLM

I'm registered! University Inn
Sat PM - Wed PM leaving Thu AM

Sammy Chan

University of Central Florida

Fluid Project, Spring, CAS, Java Development, Sakai (if someone is interested to discuss)

Spring on Rail (learning), Sakai

Days Inn :| (Sun - Wed)

Anastasia Anastasia

Fluid (ATRC, University of Toronto)

Learn about uPortal, Bring Fluid user experience components and insight to the JA-SIG community

Fluid, Sakai, accessibility

I'm registered! University Inn
Mon AM - Fri PM

Colin Clark

Fluid (ATRC, University of Toronto)

Helping with uPortal usability and accessibility; U-Camp; coming up with ideas for cool new UI components in uPortal

UI development, Web architecture, coordination, boundless enthusiasm

I'm registered! University Inn
Sunday PM - Tuesday PM

Eric Dalquist


Introduce people to uPortal 3, new Portlet dev tecniques

uPortal, Portlets, Maven


Henrik Dryselius

Stockholm university



I'm registered, Arr saturday, leaving wednesday, staying at Holiday Inn

Dan Ellentuck

Columbia University

uPortal 3, Sakai, CAS.  Assist in integration of GaP libs with uP3.

uP Groups and authorization (GaP), Spring.

I'm registered! I'll be commuting from NYC  Mon - Wed, possibly Fri.

Tom Freestone

Brigham Young University

CAS, uPortal 3, SOA



Erin Garlock

CampusEAI Consortium

uPortal, CAS, Spring

JSR-168, Identity Management, ERP, Security

I'm registered! Staying at the Inn from Sun - Tues

Barbara Glover

University of Toronto

U-Camps, how User Experience can help with design solutions

User Experience

I'm registered! Staying at the Inn from Sun - Tues

Aaron Godert (11/11 - 11/12)

Cornell University

Board issues, community team building and communication, infrastructure and services team meeting

Facilitation, planning, general development and dev mgmt insight, Kuali, wish I could say golf

I'm registered! Staying at the Inn from Sunday - Monday

Bart Grebowiec

Rutgers University - Enterprise Applications & Services

uPortal, User Experience

User Experience

I'm registered!

Jens Haeusser


uPortal 3 planning, Fluid integration, role of JASIG in Identity Management landscape in higher ed

Identity Management, Facilitation

I'm registered! University Inn
Sat PM - Tue PM

Sherwin Harris

Brigham Young University

CAS, uPortal 3, skinning uPortal, CMS intergration to uPortal (other than HyperContent), Web Services in the Portal, What does/doesn't belong in a Portal, Calendaring integration to uPortal


University Inn
Sun PM - Wed AM

Jim Helwig


uP3 planning, learn about/share interesting portlets, Shiboleth

Planning, WebProxy Portlet,enterprise deployments

I'm registered! Are you? University Inn
Sat PM - Wed AM

Mary Heid (11/11-11/13)

Nazareth College

uPortal(2.6), portlets, DLM, deployment, administration



Anson Henthorn

West Texas A&M University

Initial SSO itegration with ANGEL, WebAdvisor, OWA using CAS & uPortal

Web Technologies

Sun PM - Thu AM

B. Collier Jones


User Experience, The Role of Portals


Holiday Inn
Monday - Wednesday

Afsaneh Khawar

Stockholm university



I'm registered, Arr saturday, leaving wednesday, staying at Holiday Inn

John A. Lewis

Unicon, Inc.

uPortal & CAS

JSR 168 / JSR 286
Spring Portlet MVC

Arriving Sunday afternoon
Leaving Wednesday morning

Shaw-Han Liem

Fluid (ATRC, University of Toronto)

Bring Fluid user experience components, design, and insight to the JA-SIG community

UI Design & Development, visual design


Ryan Lim

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(Center on Children, Families, and the Law)

CAS, Java development, deployment, administration, identity management

CAS deployment


Joakim Lundin

Stockholm university



I'm registered, Arr saturday, leaving wednesday, staying at Holiday Inn

Tuyhang Ly

Rutgers University

uPortal3, DLM




Paul Lynn (tentative - 11/12)

Princeton University

infrastructure and services team meeting



Jonathan Markow


I'd like to have discussions about strategy and mission, formalizing a project incubator process, and software licensing directions for JA-SIG

Planning, facilitation, jazz piano

I'm registered! Staying at the Inn from Sun - Tues

Ken McCrery

Virginia Tech

Interested in Luminis implementations


Staying at University Inn
Sat - Wed.  Leaving Web PM or Thurs. AM

Tom Moyer

University of Alaska



Heldrich Hotel, arrive sunday, leave wed.

Daphne Ogle

University of California, Berkeley

u-Camps, uPortal user experience & the Fluid Project

interaction design, user experience, Sakai

University Inn
Sun PM - Tues PM

Former user (Deleted)

Cornell University



University Inn
Sun PM - Wed AM

Andrew Petro

Unicon, Inc. - Cooperative Support

Understanding and being productive in the Maven2ized uPortal build, bringing Fluid potential to bear on uPortal

uPortal framework, CAS, Java CAS client, channel development; running, dogsitting, blogging

I'm registered! University Inn rm 206 Sunday through Friday AM (203) 925-7333

Adam Rybicki (Deactivated)

Unicon, Inc.

Identity Management, CAS futures

CAS, uPortal, CASifications, uPortal Training

I'm registered!
Arriving Monday morning and leaving Wednesday morning

Jason Jason


Portal-LMS integration. new Java development techniques, processes, and tools

uPortal, Portlets, Sakai, CAS-ification

I'm registered!
I live here
BBQ at Jay's House? (smile)

Ben Stoutenburgh

Marist College

CAS (development, maintenance, fail-over), Sakai, Luminus Portal


Staying at the Holiday Inn

Gary Thompson (Deactivated)

Unicon, Inc.

u-Camps, uPortal user experience, Fluid Project

user-centered design, interaction design, usability, accessibility, Fluid Project, theme & skin, HTML/CSS

I'm registered, staying at the Inn, Sun PM - Wed AM

William G. Thompson, Jr.

Rutgers University - Enterprise Application & Services

CAS, uPortal3, IdM, EA

CAS, IdM, EA, uPortal

Commuting from Phillisburg, NJ

Andrew White

West Texas A&M University

CAS & uPortal

Active Directory

Sun PM - Thu AM

Emma Wibom

Stockholm university

U-camp & user experience


I'm registered, Arr saturday, leaving wednesday, staying at Holiday Inn

Andrew Wills (Deactivated)

Unicon, Inc.

Maintenance & Migration Tools for uPortal
Portlet Development
Emerging Java Practices & Tools

uPortal Framework
Cernunnos Project


Paul Zablosky

University of British Columbia

uPortal usability and accessibility and our shared vision for their evolution


I'm registered Staying at the Inn Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday


University of Alaska

uPortal, CAS, SOA


Mon - Wed