Friday November 2, 2007
Friday November 2, 2007
UCamp - Meeting
November 2, 2007
attendees: Allison, Paul, Gary, Barbara, Colin
30 mins - Accessibility evaluations - Colin
15 mins - Q&A - Colin
30 mins - what is UCD - Allison & Gary
15 mins - Q&A - Allison & Gary
15 - 30 mins - mock usability study of Sortable Tabs - Barbara
Design Project: (everyone + Dev)
- 30 mins - Design project holistic with Dev on Sortable Tabs - (all one group)
- 30-60 mins - work in small groups further implementing design ideas
- 15 mins - compare designs from small groups, wrap-up
~ 4 hours total time
Next Steps
- Gary and Allison to finalize their presentation on Intro do UCD
- Barbara to create user testing protocol for Tuesday to vet with Gary/Allison/Paul
- Barbara to create design wireframes for sortable tabs for Wednesday to vet with Gary/Allison/Paul/Shaw-Han
- Update the planning page with nice table for draft agenda - Barbara (Monday)
- Colin to finalize his accessibility presentation
- Allison and Paul to sign up for their Lightning Talks on Lightning Talk page
- Shaw-Han to start determining what he will work with Dev on for remainder of week. Can the tabs work be carried forward?
- Supplies for UCamp - Barbara to bring to Ucamp, checking on flipcharts and projectors. Everyone bring a few dry erase markers.