uCamp 10-12 Planning Meeting Notes
uCamp 10-12 Planning Meeting Notes
Past uCamp experiences
- top 10 design tips for developers in Sakai
- e.g. making sure data the same in all places
- skit - Harriett /Cambridge brought out issues not working from design & development & how rsf could help
- designers & developers doing real work
- from a design perspective we usually need work done up front
- do we want a free-format u-Camp or some sort of structure?
- is there a top 10 issues in uPortal, one of which we should address?
- Colin talked about different kinds of design at last u-camp
Who is the audience and what is the goal of the u-Camp?
Potential Goals
- help developers develop code which concretely improve the product
- build trust help us as designers achieve our goals
- do work that helps real users
- work on something that would actually be implemented in uPortal
- help developers understand what User Experience is
- Helping developers become better designers or tips for thinking about users/design as they develop
- Understand scope of UX and get a sense of it -- they can make use of it, how they can collaborate with UX experts, etc. (not necessarily teach them to be designers)
- our audience at u-Camp will be primarily developers, not designers, other than us
What will developers be able to take away from the u-Camp?
- learn about different kinds of design**
- learn about UCD/UX**
- Lightbox**
- what do fluid components mean to uPortal developers?
- learn about UCD techniques
- learn how to work with designers
- show them activities we do - user tests
- convince developers to work on pain points that came out of the walk-throughs
- solve your design problem
- Andrew Petro's Sakai-view portlet
- ask uPortal folks what they think the 'hairy design issues' are that we could help them with
- re-orderer implementation
- fire-and-forget - when uPortal launches an unrelated application (e.g. to use single sign on)
- Fluid Summit Summary
- UX Walkthrough Summary
** lightning talks
- uPortal hasn't had a u-camp before, but Gary did present on UX at the last uPortal conference
- we only have a half day
- 2 hours of lightning talks - how developers can work with designers
- 2 hours of working on a real problem
- have right kind of intro and setup talks during lightning talks to encourage developers to attend the u-Camp - they will have a choice
Next Steps
- Allison: add mailing list info to main Fluid page
- Allison: review & post mtg notes
- Group: Put together list of potential topics in preparation for sending to uPortal list
- Barbara: Set up another mtg early next wk