NewsReaderPortlet Incubation


  • Needs review: Is it a standards-compliant JSR-168 portlet?
  • Needs review: Does it have what JA-SIG would consider to be modular design and APIs?
  • Needs review: Uses Spring PortletMVC and appropriate Spring practices
  • Builds with Maven 2
  • Needs (more) unit tests


  • A collaborative open source project under the auspices of JA-SIG
  • Can be used commercially and non-commercially
  • Produces actual production-ready releases, not just a code drop or a project that exclusively lives in SVN (Note: for now we would appreciate some help in this)

Action Items

Action Item



Create a sandbox SVN module

GaryG (Deactivated)


move to SVN portlets/ directory as of first RC- moved by incubation committee June 2010



Create child pages of Portlets wiki space for this portlet content

GaryG (Deactivated)


Build out this page with more info

GaryG (Deactivated)

Done, but will need help on user documentation

Document this projectlet on the JA-SIG Clearinghouse Contributions page


Not started

Create a Jira project in the portlets group and make Anthony project lead, and Anthony, Jen, and Gary W. admins

Jen Bourey

Not started

Does this need its own dev and user mailing lists?


Not started

Needs more dev work.


Not started