Notifications Portlet (Manchester)

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The Notifications Portlet is a JSR-168 notifications portlet originally developed by the University of Manchester. Notifications from several source are aggregated and grouped by categories in a accordion style view. The user can drill down into the notifications to get more detailed information. The notification data sources are configured via xml files. Sample data sources are provided for demonstration purposes.


  • Accordion style display of notifications by categories
  • Selecting a category displays the notifications within that category
  • Selecting a notification within a category replaces the top-level view with a detailed notification view
  • Displays error messages that can be deleted from the view
  • Aggregates notifications from several sources into a single view
  • Can create specialized views by creating custom JSP pages to display other data sources. An example student jobs view is included with the portlet.

More information

The Notifications Portlet doesn't require any special configuration to install and run the sample data. This portlet was designed to provide developers an easy way to extend its functionality for their specific notification data sources. Maven overlays can be used to implement client-specific data sources. This portlet provides the infrastructure that allows the developer to create the data objects and display them in the portlet views.

Release Notes


See the Available Integration Strategies page. Also JSON data format is described at JSON data format.


Slides containing an overview of the current state of the Notification portlet project.



Project Details

Current Version



Anthony Colebourne, Andrew Wills (Deactivated)

Issue Tracking


Apache Software License, Version 2.0

Release Docs

Release Notes

Java API Docs


Download Source

Current Adopters

Are you using this portlet? Be listed here and help Jasig to gauge adoption of this really quite cool portlet.

  • University of Manchester
  • Ohio University
  • St. Cloud State University
  • Unicon, Inc.


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