NewsReaderPortlet Configuration

The NewsReader portlet has one properties files: src/main/resources/ and

In order to use a database other than HSQL you will need to configure and add the appropriate database dependency to the pom.xml file.  If you using NewsReaderPortlet in the overlay configuration in the uportal/uportal-portlets-overlay, the overlay process will substitute the database values from the uportal project filters/*.properties file into for you.

You may also need to change the names of the userinfo attributes in to match your portal installation if you are using something other than the default. If you're using uPortal, you can check personDirectory.xml (or personDirectoryContext.xml in uP3).

Configuration, customization, and administration

Calendar Portlet extension and integration

Technical implementation details

This portlet is implemented using the Spring PortletMVC framework and hibernate

Configuration Screenshots

User's Configuration page: 

User Add Feed page: 

Admin Configuration Page: