


The Web Proxy Portlet is used to incorporate arbitrary web content as a portlet. It provides mechanisms for connecting to and rendering HTML with options for clipping, maintaining session information, and handling cookies. Proxied content is rendered within the portlet window.  Web Proxy Portlet is often used to incorporate web content or applications that are built and run in non-Java environments allowing a site flexibility for integrating content with many different technologies.

It is very common for a University with skills in PHP, Ruby, or other technologies to create small webapps/pages specifically to expose content in a page meant to be consumed exclusively by the Web Proxy Portlet to render in the portal. This allows the portal to apply styling to the proxied content so the rendered content fits in well with the overall portal look and feel. This is one advantage over using an iframe where the styling of the content would have to be modified in the system the content is obtained from.


  • Session handling
  • Clipping to get subsections of the targeted URL
  • Uses AJAX to request and replace portlet content from whitelist of proxy URLs

More Information

Installation and Configuration page is adapted from the original README.txt. It is extended to include the name of every configuration parameter documented there. This portlet was developed assuming the custom CONFIG portlet mode available in uPortal 3.2. The README.txt file included with the portlet also assumes that uPortal has support for that mode. Since all of the portlet's configuration options are stored in publish-time portlet preferences, they can be set using earlier versions of uPortal.

Project Roadmap



Project Details

Current Version



Project lead Eric Dalquist
David Grimwood
Nabeel Ramzan

Issue Tracking




Java API Docs


Download Source


Current Adopters

  • University of Wisonsin, Madison
  • Yale University
  • Normandie Universities
