Open source integrations poster session
Demos of open source integrations and extensions – what it looks like when one integrates CAS and uPortal and Sakai and Alfresco and so forth, including available free and open source portlets and channels from the community, along the lines of the Open Source Showcase keynote John Lewis gave not so long ago at a JA-SIG conference. This "poster session" / demo will use uPortal 3. Specific integrations to be showcased may include the following:
- integration with the Sakai community source learning management system to show and deep link to the user's sites in Sakai (the MyCourses portlet)
- integration with the Columbia Announcements Channel, with the USC and SJDC enhancements.
- the UnConference Feedback Portlet
- the Yale-developed Calendar Portlet
- the Duke tabbed RSS and tabbed email portlets
- the Duke and UC Irvine Facebook portlets
- the new JA-SIG Weather Portlet
- the Wisconsin-developed Web Proxy Portlet
- the Toro portlets and channels
- integration with Alfresco via the Alfresco JSR-168 portlet