2008 Spring - Session Facilitator Assignment Worksheet

2008 Spring - Session Facilitator Assignment Worksheet

Sign up to be a facilitator!

We would love to have your help facilitating the many great sessions at the conference. The general guidelines are listed below to give you a sense of the facilitator responsibilities. Once the conference program has been decided, the conference grid will be listed below. At that time you will be able to add your name next to the Facilitator: label for the sessions you wish to facilitate. Jenn and Debbie will be available at the registration desk to answer any questions you may have regarding facilitating.

And thanks a lot for your help!

Session Facilitator Guidelines

In the session folder you will find:
Presenter Agreement Form for the speaker(s)
Evaluation forms
Warning markers of 2, 5, and 10 minutes
Speaker Biographical info, if available

  • Get biographical information to introduce speaker, which should be included in the session folder you will pick up at the conference registration desk.
  • Discuss with the presenter if they wish to address questions during or after their presentation.
  • Give the Conference Agreement Form to the speaker. Please have the speaker fill out the form and return it to you before the conclusion of the session.
  • Hand an evaluation form to each attendee.
  • Let the audience know when questions are allowed.
  • Please take Starting and Ending Attendance.
  • Sit in a location where the speaker can see you with the warning cards that will show when time is almost up.
  • After the presentation, publicly thank the speaker and remind the audience to turn in their evaluation form before they leave the session.
  • Return the folder with evaluation sheets and signed Speaker Agreement Form to the Registration Desk.

Schedule at a Glance for Facilitator Assignments

This page contains the final schedule for facilitator assignments. Enter the name for each facilitator in the session cells. Use colour to make them stand out.

Sunday, April 27, 2008














Half day Seminar
Introduction to the Fedora Repository
Speaker: Chris Wilper
Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Installing, Configuring, and Customizing the Kuali Financial System
Speaker: Ailish Byrne
Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Spring Portlet MVC - Intro
Speaker: Chris Holdorph
Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Upgrading Your DSpace Installation from 1.4 to 1.5
Speaker: Mark Diggory
Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Implementing CAS: From Download to Deployment
Speaker: Adam Rybicki
  Facilitator not required


Lunch for Seminar Attendees






Half day Seminar
Writing Fearless Javascript for Portlets, Widgets, and Portals
Speaker: Colin Clark
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
uPortal Migration - Juggling Environments and Software Upgrades
Speaker: Andrew Wills
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Introduction to Identity for Developers
Speaker: Tom Barton
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Spring Portlet MVC - Advanced
Speaker: John Lewis
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Customizing DSpace using Manakin - Your Site, Your Design
Speaker: Mark Diggory
  Facilitator not required


Welcome Reception





Monday, April 28, 2008




















Opening Keynote Presentation
Community Source in Higher Education: Leaders' Panel
Speaker: Jonathan Markow
Facilitator: Aaron






Refreshment Break






Integration and Deployment
Using Enterprise Group Management to Enable Unified Application Access
Speaker: Klara Jelinkova
Facilitator: Howard Gilbert

Design and Development
Using Fedora to Manage Student Documents
Speaker: Christopher Brown
Facilitator: Chris Awre

Multiple Audiences/General Information
uPortal 3: What's New
Speaker: Eric Dalquist
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall

Community Source Management/Governance
CIO Forum
Speaker: Barry Walsh and Panel
Facilitator: Jim Helwig



Integration and Deployment
Sakai and uPortal Integration Options
Speaker: Cris Holdorph
Facilitator: Ken McCrery

Multiple Audiences/General Information
JA-SIG CAS Overview
Speaker: Adam Rybicki
Facilitator: Mark Rogers

Design and Development
Java Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286)
Speaker: John Lewis
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall

Birds of a Feather
Semantic Web Activities in Higher Education
Speaker: Jon Corson-Rikert
  Facilitator: John Fereira

Community Source Management/Governance
Engaging the User Community
Speaker: Michele Kimpton
Facilitator: Tom Barton








Integration and Deployment
How We Integrated Fedora into Ruby On Rails, and How You Can Use It
Speaker: Matt Zumwalt
Facilitator: Mark Rogers

Integration and Deployment
Supersize Me: NITLE's Community-driven DSpace Initiative for Small Colleges
Speaker: Eric Jansson
Facilitator:Michele Kimpton

Design and Development
Securing Portlets with Spring Security
Speaker: John Lewis
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall

Birds of a Feather
Portal-LMS Integration
Speaker: Jason Shao
Facilitator: Cris Holdorph

Community Source Management/Governance
Open Source Mission: Moving Open Source from the Machine Room to the Mission Statement
Speaker: Nate Angell
Facilitator: Paul Zablosky


Refreshment Break






Multiple Audiences/General Information
The Bedework Enterprise Calendar Project
Speaker: Michael Douglass
Facilitator: Michael Korcuska

Design and Development
Upgrading uPortal: My.JohnsHopkins
Speaker: Andrew Wills
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall

Birds of a Feather
Developing an Open Source, SOA model of Open Library Systems for the modern Academic Library
Speaker: John Little
Facilitator: John Fereira

Integration and Deployment
Implementing the Open Source Portfolio Tools in Sakai
Speaker: Janice Smith
Facilitator: Andrew Petro

Community Source Management/Governance
Community Source Business Models: The Commercial Perspective
Speaker: Jonathan Markow
Facilitator not required


Birds of a Feather
Managing Diverse & Complex uPortal Deployments with Cernunnos
Speaker: Andrew Wills
Facilitator not required

Design and Development
SOA and event-driven architecture in the Swedish Ladok system using open standards
Speaker: Mikael Berglund
Facilitator: Dan Davis

Multiple Audiences/General Information
Google Web Toolkit
Speaker: Wil Johnson
Facilitator: Cris Holdorph

Design and Development
Developing uPortal Themes from Scratch
Speaker: Erik Olsson
Facilitator: Ben Stoutenburgh

Community Source Management/Governance
Practical approaches to acceptance and adoption of Kuali
Speaker: Bob Ricci
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall



Poster Sessions





Dinner on your own





Tuesday, April 29, 2008




















General Session
Moving Community Source to the Mainstream: Overcoming the Obstacles to Adoption
Speaker: Ira Fuchs
Facilitator: Jonathan Markow






Refreshment Break






Design and Development
uPortal 3 Theme and Skin: An Overview
Speaker: Gary Thompson
Facilitator: Paul Zablosky

Community Source Management/Governance
Building Bedework - Learning to lead a higher ed open source project
Speaker: Gary Schwartz
Facilitator: Adam Rybicki

Integration and Deployment
Integrating Peoplesoft Enterprise Campus Solutions with Sakai
Speaker: Cris Holdorph
Facilitator:  Susan Inouye

Birds of a Feather
Social Learning Enterprise Platforms
Speaker: Stuart Sim
Facilitator not required

Multiple Audiences/General Information
Introducing the JISC e-Framework Programme
Speaker: Alex Hawker
Facilitator: Jon Corson-Rikert


Community Source Management/Governance
If We Build it, Will They Come? - Part Deux!
Speaker: George Kozak
Facilitator:Michele Kimpton

Birds of a Feather
Kuali Student User Experience
Speaker: Paul Zablosky
Facilitator not required

Integration and Deployment
Personal repository space via the personal portal
Speaker: Chris Awre
Facilitator: John Fereira

Design and Development
uPortal 3 Theme and Skin: Advanced/technical
Speaker: Gary Thompson
Facilitator: Susan Bramhall

Community Source Management/Governance
JA-SIG Membership Meeting
Speaker: Jonathan Markow
Facilitator:Jim Helwig








Design and Development
Developing with the JCR (JSR 170, JSR 283)
Speaker: Lennard Fuller

Integration and Deployment
Shibboleth 2.0: An Overview for Developers
Speaker: Scott Cantor
Facilitator: Aaron Godert

Multiple Audiences/General Information
The Fluid Project: A Open Community for Inclusive Design
Speaker: Colin Clark
Facilitator: Michael Korcuska

Design and Development
uPortal 3: Where did everything go?
Speaker: Eric Dalquist
Facilitator: Cris Holdorph

Birds of a Feather
Introducing the JISC e-Framework Programme
Speaker: Alex Hawker
Facilitator not required:


Refreshment Break






Community Source Management/Governance
Spreading Community Thick: Open Source Communities of Practice
Speaker: Nate Angell
Facilitator:  Susan Inouye

Multiple Audiences/General Information
Open Source Long Term Preservation Archives
Speaker: Keith Rajecki
Facilitator:Dan Davis

Design and Development
CAS-NG: Adding Access Control to CAS
Speaker: Howard Gilbert
Facilitator: Adam Rybicki

Birds of a Feather
How we created a REST API for Fedora, Why we did it, and What it gives you.
Speaker: Matt Zumwalt
Facilitator not required

Integration and Deployment
Leveraging DLM Processors
Speaker: Tim Carroll
Facilitator: Drew Wills


Design and Development
Creating a Production Quality Rice Application with SJDC
Speaker: Anthony Potts
Facilitator: Aaron Godert

Design and Development
Open Source Work Flow Implementation
Speaker: Darren Kraker
Facilitator: Michael Korcuska

Integration and Deployment
How Pearson is Using uPortal to Support Global Online Learning and Communities
Speaker: Mary Ann Perry
Facilitator: Tom Barton

Birds of a Feather
Yale "remember me" Cookie Based Login
Speaker: Jennifer Bourey
Facilitator not required

Multiple Audiences/General Information
Introducing EclipseLink
Speaker: Doug Clarke
Facilitator: Cris Holdorph


Group Dinner





Wednesday, April 30, 2008




















Design and Development
JSR-168 and Sakai
Speaker: Jason Shao
Facilitator: Michael Korcuska

Community Source Management/Governance
Finding the balance between centralized code management and completely distributed volunteer development in community source software
Speaker: John Fereira
Facilitator: John Fereira

Birds of a Feather
JA-SIG Contributions and Project Incubation Process
Speaker: Susan Bramhall
Facilitator not required

Design and Development
Portlet Panel
Speaker: Parker Grimes
Facilitator: Tom Barton

Integration and Deployment
Functionality Mashup - Evolving to the Next Generation of Learning Management Systems
Speaker: Charles Severance
Facilitator: Ken McCrery


Refreshment Break






Integration and Deployment
Implementing Sakai and CAS
Speaker: Ben Stoutenburgh
Facilitator: Susan Inouye

Multiple Audiences/General Information
How Virtualization Improves Software Development
Speaker: Jason Shao
Facilitator: Katya Sadovsky

Integration and Deployment
Open Source Load Generator for Massive Scale
Speaker: Stuart Sim
Facilitator: Jim Helwig

Community Source Management/Governance
Open Source Portlet Incubation
Speaker: Jennifer Bourey
Facilitator: Cris Holdorph



Closing Keynote Presentation
Ubiquity, Interdependence, and the Age of Collaboration
Speaker: Kaye Howe
Facilitator: Jonathan Markow






Lunch for Seminar Attendees






Barcamp or uCamp
BarCamp Spring 2008
Facilitators: William Thompson and Cris Holdorph

Half day Seminar
Introduction to Sakai
Speaker: Anthony Whyte
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Installing, Configuring, and Customizing uPortal
Speaker: Andrew Petro
  Facilitator not required

Half day Seminar
Implementing Kuali Rice
Speaker: Eric Westfall
  Facilitator not required

Barcamp or uCamp
Facilitator: Paul Zablosky