Universite de La Rochelle, France

Universite de La Rochelle (France) uses CAS.

Technical contacts: Emmanuel Collingnon and Arunas Stockus .

Not yet using CAS 2.0 proxy functionality.

CAS is integrated into our information system with about 6-7 thousands of potential users. We use CAS Server package proposed by ESUP-Portail consortium. It gives a nice solution for integration and combination of various handlers for different authentication sources (LDAP and database in our case).

The major part of our "Web" applications is developed by Computer Center of University (CRI). They are written for and deployed on the WebObjects application server. We have developed some general libraries (Java / WebObjects) in order to integrate CAS with our "Web" applications. They are available at this site (in French):

Java/WebObjects CAS client library