CAS Deployers
CAS Deployers
See also
Stand up and be counted!
If you're using CAS, we would love for you to be listed here. Whether you have CAS tips and tricks to share or have nothing to say other than "we brought up an instance to test it out", you're welcome to a listing here.
If you'd like to be listed here, please contact Andrew Petro. Thanks!
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Who has deployed CAS?
- Aalborg University
- Appian Corporation
- Azusa Pacific University — uses CAS for uPortal and has contributed AuthCAS
- BCcampus — uses CAS for uPortal, JIRA and Confluence user management.
- California Polytechnic Institute — Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo uses CAS extensively, including with technologies like Peoplesoft and Blackboard, and we are working on a project to extend CAS-based central authentication (and directory) services statewide integrating the CA K-12 and State University systems.
- California State University, Chico
- Campus Crusade for Christ — Campus Crusade for Christ distributes a CAS server modified to implement a Single Sign Out feature.
- Cape Henry Technologies Inc. - A Commercial IT Consultancy
- Case Western Reserve University
- CGG — CGGs use customized version of CAS 2.0.12 Server working with Active Directory and use CAS with tomcat web applications, php applications, apache CGI application with mod_cas.
- Citrix Online
- Columbia — Columbia University has been using CAS since April 2012.
- Cornerstone University
- eXo Platform
- Experian Interactive Media
- GLAST — uses CAS to authenticate all of their Java and Spring http://www.springframework.org/ based web applications.
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology — The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology http://www.ust.hk/ uses CAS with their uPortal instance http://my.ust.hk/ and webmail.
- Indiana
- Institut TELECOM SudParis - ex. GET-INT
- Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
- Karlstad University, Sweden — Karlstad University http://www.kau.se/ (Sweden) uses CAS with OpenLDAP and Active Directory backends and the ESUP Generic Handler.
- La Voz de Galicia, Spain — La Voz de Galica http://www.lavozdegalicia.com/ uses CAS internally on this regional newspaper (circulation 125000) 's intranet.
- Login screen gallery
- Marketable deployer list
- Memorial University of Newfoundland — The Memorial University of Newfoundland http://www.mun.ca/ uses CAS for their uPortal instance http://my.mun.ca/.
- Molecular
- Nagoya University
- NJK Aviation AG — Private Jet Aviation
- Northern Arizona University — Northern Arizona University http://www.nau.edu/text/ uses CAS for login to uPortal 2.1.4. The CAS credentials are used by a PeopleSoft channel, UBC_Webmail channel and an email manager channel within the portal.
- OpenSource Connections
- Princeton University
- Roskilde University
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey — Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey http://www.rutgers.edu/ uses CAS and is a core contributor to the JA-SIG CAS efforts.
- Sacramento State University
- SCT Luminis — SunGard SCT http://www.sungardsct.com's Luminis http://www.sungardsct.com/Education/products/p_l_prod_family.html, a commercial portal (based on JA-SIG's uPortal), includes in its latest version an integrated CAS server.
- Simon Fraser University - British Columbia
- Smile — Experts in content management and deploying CAS on Intranets.
- Solid Blue Development - CAS Deployer
- Suffield Academy
- Texas A and M University
- Thunderbird School of Global Management
- Tollpost Globe AS — Tollpost Globe AS http://www.tollpost.no/ uses CAS.
- Unicon — Unicon, Inc. http://www.unicon.net/, the original JASIG Commercial Affiliate, offers consulting services assisting with adoption and extension of the CAS platform http://www.unicon.net/services/cas/.
- Universita degli Studi di Parma
- Universite de Bourgogne - France
- Universite de La Rochelle, France — Universite de La Rochelle (France) http://www.univ-lr.fr/ uses CAS.
- Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
- Universite Nancy 2, France
- Universite Pantheon Sorbonne
- Universiteit van Amsterdam
- University of Bristol, England
- University of California Merced
- University of California, Riverside
- University of Crete, Greece
- University of Delaware — The University of Delaware http://www.udel.edu/ has modified CAS to restrict which services use it and to add authorization information, and uses it with their uPortal instance http://uportal.udel.edu/student/.
- University of Hawaii — University of Hawaii http://www.hawaii.edu/ uses CAS, having modified it provide eduPerson affiliation attribute values as part of the ticket validation.
- University of New Mexico — The University of New Mexico http://www.unm.edu/ uses CAS for their uPortal instance http://my.unm.edu/.
- University of Rennes1 — University of Rennes1 http://www.univ-rennes1.fr/ uses CAS, mainly for uPortal (thanks to Yale cas-client patched to use direct URLs to channels), IMP (patched with phpCAS), cyrus-imap (thanks to pam_cas), SunOne Calendar and other minor applications.
- University of St. Francis
- University of Technology, Library
- Uppsala universitet
- Valtech — Valtech http://www.valtech.de, a commercial IT consultancy, uses CAS with Active Directory and the ESUP Generic Handler.
- Virginia Tech — Virginia Tech has deployed CAS and has contributed updates to mod_cas and an updated authenticator and CASFilter derivative for Confluence.
- Yale University — CAS was born at Yale University and Yale continues to contribute to the renewed JA-SIG CAS efforts.