Everyone's got a cell phone now, so how to take advantage of that?
Mobile apps vs mobile-enabled websites?
If an app, do you enable it to communicate with the device (gps, etc.?)
geolocation, accelerometers, etc.
HTML5 will allow you to do this
What about supporting multiple platforms?
Maintaining API changes, etc.
Creating an "app" that's actually a link to a website (branded instance of webkit)? (Hybrid approach?)
Lowest-cost and effort; gives you a presence on iTunes but doesn't require multiple platform development
Not everyone wants to install your app, but still need to be able to access your data.
If a website, make it aware of what it's being used on so that it can format phone numbers, etc. to be used by the device.
Most devices are becoming more intelligent, so people don't need to be aware of an app to have some of the functionality, they can just access a regular website.
Be able to create a universal framework - the back-end server provides the data in a universal format, while the UI takes that information and formats it for the target framework (website, app, etc.)
Instead of creating an actual app, be able to access individual portlets instead of having the full view.
Allowing other people to access the data in the way they want to ("fungible data")
Students can write mobile apps, etc.
How do you use it to benefit the students?
Can't be just for the "cool" factor (we have an iPhone app!) but it needs to actually be useful
Enhance learning
QR codes at random places on campus and allow them to get "more info"
get additional resources to be able to learn online
access course documents, stream audio/video, etc.
get a degree over a smartphone while commuting, etc.
Content issues
issues with third-party vendors and tertiary systems
more complex systems may not display well due to the size of the screen
Don't just take your current offerings, stick them in the blender, and try to get a magical mobile version out of it
needs to be specifically focused - what would be useful to have on a phone?
Remember that there will still be people who won't have the latest and greatest device, so you shouldn't forget about the others
How does the user want to consume and interact with the information?
Inevitably, the way that new classes of students access and use data will change over time
Not everyone accesses it in the same way
Subscribing to text message notifications?
Compartmentalizing their lives - everyone thinks that their information is the most important and that all the constituents want to receive their information
How do you arbitrate who can send information to what users?
Jumping on the bandwagon just because it's there?
Make sure that what you develop is quality, or it could potentially hurt more than help.