uMobile PhoneGap App Setup

uMobile PhoneGap App Setup

Setting up a uMobile PhoneGap Project

General instructions

  1. Identify the directions for your platform at http://phonegap.com/start.  You should generally follow the instructions provided there for setting up a PhoneGap project with the exception of replacing the provided or auto-generated www library with that provided by uMobile.
  2. Replace the www library with the www folder in the uMobile PhoneGap project at https://github.com/Jasig/umobile-app-phonegap.
  3. Copy www/lib/external/cordova-platform-version.js to www/lib/external/cordova.js, where platform and version correspond to the platform on which you're developing and the current version of Cordova.
  4. Configure www/config.js to match your portal server.  Note that "localhost" on the Android is reached via the IP address
  5. Build as described in the PhoneGap documentation.

iOS Notes

You will need to edit cordova.plist as follows:

  1. Set "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" to true.
  2. Add the hostname of the uMobile application server, any authentication servers, and any other servers which host external modules, images, or other resources to the "External Hosts" list.

Android Notes

On Android, "localhost" is reached via the IP address  If you leave the app configured with "localhost" URLs, it won't be able to connect.

BlackBerry Notes


Windows Notes


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