uPortal 3.3 Roadmap (OBVIATED)
uPortal 3.3 Roadmap (OBVIATED)
I think at this point the uPortal 3.3 roadmap is that it isn't happening. uPortal 4.1 is nearly out the door. Harvest good ideas from here into uPortal 4.2 roadmap? - Andrew Petro
required tasks
- UP-2577 Convert to annotation based autowiring
- Convert channels to portlet
- Create Portlets
- UP-2593 User Management Portlet (integrate find, swap, edit-attr, add, edit, delete)
- UP-2595 Upgrade to Spring 3.0
- UP-1366 Controller support for portal URLs
- annotation based controller APIs
- delegate /services/* to spring REST support
- delegate /portal/* to portal rendering and portlet dispatching
- Create /services/ APIs
- layout management operations (user level and admin of dlm fragments)
- portlet management operations
- Replace DLM User Preferences functionality with AJAX interface embedded in theme XSL
- UP-2045 URL syntax provider
- merge trunk into URL working branch
- complete URL work for layout and portlets
- merge URL working branch into trunk
- Merge IChannelDefinition into IPortletDefinition
- review attributes on channel definition
- merge relevant attributes into portlet definition
- delete IChanelDefinition
- UP-2488 Integration Pluto 2.0
- Read JSR-286 spec
- Review required and optional services
- Implement services to integrate into uPortal
- Create IPortletDispatchManager (done as part of pluto 2.0 integration)
- Handles dispatching to portlet for all request types
- dispatching is always done via the thread pool so timeouts can be enforced
- when adding dispatch task to queue reference to Future and PortletDispatchWorker should both be kept
- PortletDispatchWorker should provide execution state (queued, running, complete)
- if PortletDispatchWorker is running it should provide access to the current Thread
- on timeout PortletDispatchWorker should
- call Thread.getState and Thread.getStackTrace on the the executing thread and log the thread status and stack trace
- create a timer task for a configured grace period, after grace period call Thread.interrupt
- UP-2260
- Delete code, IChannel, JNDI Manager, Workers, CAR loading, ChannelRenderer, ChannelManager
- UP-2527 Add request-timeout guarding wrappers
- should throw a PortletTimedoutException after the portlet timeout passes
- request & response dispached to
- all portlet APIs
- Rendering pipeline update
optional tasks
- Maven only build & deploy process
- Convert ant tasks to uportal maven plugin goals
- deploy-war, deploy-ear, initdb, import, export, deployPortlet, clean-tomcat
- Import feature - encrypt password from .user file