Calendar Portlet Service Integration

Calendar Portlet Service Integration

Central Authentication Server (CAS) Integration

CAS integration can be achieved through the CasifiedCalendarAdapter.

Banner integration

Yale currently produces an iCal feed of student course schedules from bannerweb, protected with the PL/SQL CAS client. This feed is then included in the calendar portlet using the CasifiedCalendarAdapter. A description of how one might produce iCal feeds in bannerweb and protect them with Proxy CAS will be added to this space in the near future.

Bedework Integration

Yale has converted our public event calendar to Bedework, an open source project currently incubated in Jasig.  The Bedework calendar is now integrated with our portal to produce two portlets.

  1. The "Yale Events" portlet showing upcoming events across all categories
  2. The "My Calendar" portlet that selects events based on categories.  The portlet queries a url constructed to contain logical parameters indicating category and time period.  The url is mapped to a specific Bedework url and an ical feed is returned.


The calendar portlet currently includes a CalDAV adpater which has been tested against Zimbra.

Google Calendar

It should now be possible to achieve Google Calendar integration through use of the CalDAV connector.

Blackboard Vista

Anthony Colebourne has developed a publicly-available adapter.

Oracle Calendar

Anthony Colebourne has developed a publicly-available adapter.