2012-06-11 I Wanna Help, But JIRA Scares Me and Getting My Own Tomcat Seems Dangerous


I Wanna Help, But JIRA Scares Me & Getting My Own Tomcat Seems Dangerous


Matt Clare (Brock University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 11, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Conference Center Room 5


(Empty for now - What's this?)


The Sakai community is much larger than those able to contribute code to the projects. Contributions can be in the form of an idea, an observation, or a bug, and can come from those that are just curious or those eager to help. This session will involve words of wisdom from those with experience. It will include:

* An introduction to JIRA (the feature request and bug ticketing system)

* Community mailing lists (how to keep informed and ask questions)

* Quality assurance (be part of product testing)

Most importantly, this session will include a conversation about how valuable anyone's observations, evidence and ideas can be to the open source development process.


The Sakai community is much larger than those able to contribute code to the projects.  Contributions can be in the form of an idea, an observation, or a bug and can come from those that are just curious or those eager to help.  This session will involve words of wisdom from those that have wadded into this process, an introduction to JIRA, the mailing lists and QA.  Most importantly, it will include a conversation about how valuable anyone’s observations, evidence and ideas can be to the open source development process.

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/mattclare/i-wanna-help-but-jira-scares-me

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