2012-06-11 An Update and Discussion of the Mobile Sakai Initiative


An Update and Discussion of the Mobile Sakai Initiative


Douglas Johnson (University of Florida)

Date and time (EDT)

June 11, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Conference Center Room 3


(Empty for now - What's this?)


The Sakai community recognizes the important of mobile access to Sakai services. As a result, in 2011 established the Mobile Sakai project to coordinate efforts toward mobile support in both the CLE and OAE.

Over the last year, the Mobile Sakai project has made some progress defining key work areas including:

a. Data - What data? How to move data to and from mobile devices?

b. Authentication & security - OAuth/Shibboleth; addressing security on mobile devices, two factor authentication?

c. Services - Identifying necessary components to mobilize; prioritizing Sakai tools to work in the mobile environment;

d. Interface - UI/UX

e. OEA - Defining a-d above for OAE

This session will present an update on these areas; discuss directions for 2011-2012; and continue to solicit input, suggestions, needs and desires for the broader user community.


Archived Recording: http://engage.opencastproject.org/engage/ui/watch.html?id=a66f43a8-1a69-48c4-892f-dad280d70497 

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