2012-06-13 BOF for Learning Analytics: Current and Planned Projects and Tools


BOF for Learning Analytics: Current and Planned Projects and Tools


Stephen Marquard (University of Cape Town)

Nate Angell (rSmart)

Josh Baron (Marist College)

Charles Hedrick (Rutgers University)

Dan Kiskis (University of Michigan)

Steve Lonn (University of Michigan)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Tower 1401


(Empty for now - What's this?)


Is your institution currently piloting, engaged in, planning, or otherwise in preparation for a tool or project involving learning analytics? Come meet others working in this space and discuss various uses of open source tools, products, shared approaches, and lessons learned (sometimes in very hard ways).

Leaders from Marist, Michigan, the Kaleidoscope Project consortium, rSmart, Cape Town, NYU, Cambridge, and others will share their progress. We will also discuss possibilities for future collaboration within the Sakai and Jasig communities and how to best work with designers to leverage CLE and OAE infrastructure and other community-supported tools for learning analytics tools and displays.

Finally, we will discuss how best to summarize and continue the dialogue begun during the conference week through cross-institutional collaboration based on shared and similar approaches, practices, and applications for learning analytics-based techniques.



    • Steve Lonn - Michigan
    • Madan - NYU 
    • Robert - Hull
    • Charles Hedrick - Rutgers
    • Sanghyun - University of Florida 
    • Josh Baron - Marist College 
    • Stephen Marquand - Cape Town
    • Philip Uys - Charles Sturt U
    • Zhen Qian - Michigan
    • Dan Kiskis - Michigan 
    • Nate Angell - rSmart 
    • Mustansar - Rice 
    • Sandeep M. Jayaprakash - (Graduate Student MSCS,  Marist)
    • David - University of Alaska 
    • Marco - Univ ??? Mexico

Minutes or notes