2012-06-10 An Introduction to rSmart Academic: A Sakai OAE and CLE Platform (pre-conf)


An Introduction to rSmart Academic: A Sakai OAE and CLE Platform


Facilitated by Nate Angell and Trish Harris, rSmart

Date and time (EDT)

June 10 9:00 AM




This full-day workshop will provide people interested in open pedagogy a range of story-based entry points to rSmart Academic. The workshop has two parts: an overview that includes functional, technical, and vision details; and a hands-on, story-based experience design construction workshop. Experience designers will expose and demonstrate a range of possible designs through the development process, from learning problem to design to creation and then user testing. Faculty, course designers, project managers, students, and technical staff will benefit from this workshop.  

  • Why rSmart Academic?
  • Finding Your Way in rSmart Academic
  • Stories
  • Technical Overview
  • Future Directions


  • Document 1
  • Slides
  • Link

Embedded videos, document, slides too!


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Action items

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