

Jasig CAS Server 3.3.x

Work continues on the upcoming 3.3.2 release. There are a few minor LDAP issues to continue working out, including collaboration with the PersonDirectory team for a required fix.

Jasig CAS Server 4.x

The Jasig CAS Server 4 is coming along. Development continues on the wizard for adding a service, such that a user can either supply a SAML Meta Data URL, or enter the information about a service through a wizard interface. This information will be saved to a database that the CAS server can later use to control access to the server. One this work is completed, work can continue on the SAML2 integration efforts. Javadocs and reports can be found here:


In addition, Jasig CAS has applied for the Google Summer of Code. Stay tuned to see if we actually become accepted!

CAS Clients

Work continues on minor updates to the Jasig CAS Client for Java. Sandbox development on a new .NET client, similar to the Java client, has begun. This effort is being lead by Princeton University and Virginia Tech.

Conference Updates

If you missed out on the recent Jasig Conference, you missed out on some excellent presentations on CAS4, CAS4 & Federation, a seminar on CAS3, and High Availability CAS. Most of those presentations are available online: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/7QleAQ

OpenRegistry Updates

Development continues on the OpenRegistry project. The team is currently working on the second use case: "Add A Person". Revisions to the data model continue, and the most recent revisions can be found here:


In addition, there were interesting conversations at the Jasig Conference involving integration efforts with OpenRegistry and other open source tools such as Grouper.

To find out more, or join the mailing list, check out the Wiki space: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/OR/Home

Unicon Cooperative Support

This should be written by Jonathan, as I'm not sure of Jasig's exact position on Unicon Cooperative Support for CAS