

CAS Server 3.3.1

We're pleased to announce the release of CAS Server 3.3.1. We've
included the following bug fixes and enhancements:

1. Fixed Tomcat 6 incompatibility with default JSP pages
2. Improved REST support by conforming to 201 standard specification more closely
3. Upgrade to latest Spring 2.5.6 to fix bugs introduced in 2.5.5 that affected flow timeout
4. Wrong reference path being set for RESTful API
5. Fixed service schema generation to support Oracle (NOTE: this will require you to update the table being used to store attributes, even if you're not using Oracle!)
6. Fix for incorrect parsing of identifier from X.509 certificates
7. Fix for array index out of bound exceptions in SPNEGO support.

1. Implemented method to allow for deployers to support non-standard REST clients
2. Support for CA certs without pathlength
3. better support for accented characters
4. Use maven-enforcer plugin to determine required Maven version
5. Upgrade to Restlet 1.1.1
6. Updated INSTALL instructions
7. Provided predictable ordering of services pattern matching
8. Support for Multivalued attributes in Attribute model.
9. Configure MemCacheTicketRegistry to be synchronous to support cases where CAS is too fast

Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports, patches, and fixes! You can download this from the standard location: http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/downloads/

CAS Client for Java 3.1.4

JASIG has released the CAS Client for Java 3.1.4 which includes minor bug fixes and enhancements including:

  • Potential Memory Leak in Single Sign Out Filter
  • Allow redirection to error page if ticket validation failed.
  • AssertionThreadLocalFilter will also check request for Assertion.
  • CAS Client can be configured via JNDI
  • Redirect After Validation Enabled by Default
  • Pluggable Method for determining Gateway features

The latest release can be obtained from the public Maven2 repository.

CAS4 Roadmap

OpenRegistry Update

Most of the information related to OpenRegistry has been migrated to the JASIG Wiki. Rutgers continues to hold local discussions around OpenRegistry and publishes all of those items into the wiki. We actively encourage others who are evaluating OpenRegistry to do the same.

JASIG has also offered OpenRegistry a number of mailing lists. Those lists are available now: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/Open+Registry+Project+Lists