

January 2009 Newsletter Blurb

Conference Update

CAS will be well represented at the upcoming JASIG Conference: http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/09spring/index.html

There will be a seminar on deploying CAS3, as well as presentations about High Availability CAS, CAS & Federation, and an Introduction to CAS4. The BoFs, BarCamp, and developer days will give you a chance to interact with the developers and other deployers. Finally, we invite you to join us during the developer days to code and discuss both CAS4 and OpenRegistry.

CAS Server 4 Updates

Development on CAS4 continues at a brisk pace. Many of the modules have been converted from CAS3 to CAS4. JCaptcha support has been added to the web application and turned on by default. The majority of the new architecture is in place (it is currently being refined)

Documentation has started to appear in the skeleton CAS4 User Manual: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CAS4UM/Home

Upcoming tasks include:

  • Inclusion of CAS2 Proxying protocol
  • UI Work
  • Internationalization
  • SAML2 Support

We're currently looking for volunteers to help gather requirements for the following areas:

  • Monitoring
  • Services Management Tool

CAS Mailing List Migration

On February 4, 2009, the CAS Community and CAS Developer lists will be migrated to the listserve used by the other JASIG community lists. Information about these replacement lists can be found on the JASIG wiki at http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/CAS+Lists.

The move will happen from 10:00am-Noon ET on Wednesday, February 4. At that time the old lists (cas@tp.its.yale.edu and cas-dev@tp.its.yale.edu) will no longer accept posts or subscriptions. List membership will be transferred over and all new posts should be sent to the new lists.
If you have questions or experience problems regarding the transition, please send email to Scott Battaglia <scott_battaglia@rutgers.edu> or email-admin@ja-sig.org.

We apologize in advance if for any inconvenience but we believe this effort will help make the delivery of JASIG services more consistent.

Thank you.

From the Blogs...

There has been some work in order to get CAS4 to integrate with JaValid for validation of Spring bean properties. Read about it: http://www.scottbattaglia.com/2009/01/08/using-javalid-with-spring-to-validate-beans-during-post-processing/

CAS4 will be using Spring Web Flow 2, JUEL, and JaValid. Read about integrating them together: http://www.scottbattaglia.com/2008/12/17/spring-web-flow-2-and-juel-integration/

Newest CAS Deployers

  • University of Alabama at Birmingham

If you're a new deployer, please contact Scott Battaglia <scott.battaglia@gmail.com> to let him know. We'd love to add you to our list.