

Server and Client Updates


  • mod_auth_cas 1.0.9 release is right around the corner if there's more available testers
  • current trunk has a number of new features including curl support (also needs testing)
  • Looking for Windows testers so that the project is able to continue including Windows support

Jasig CAS Client for Java

  • Marching towards a 3.1.12 release with improved JAAS support, and new Tomcat integration
  • Forthcoming 3.2 release will require Java 5 and switch license to Apache 2


  • phpCAS welcomes a new developer, Matthew Brooks, who will be assisting with future development.
  • phpCAS recently released version 1.1.3 RC1 with seven bug fixes. Its stable enough for testing. Its targeted for an end of September release.
  • phpCAS is actively working on version 1.2.0, with two major remaining tasks and an ETA of late November / early December.

.NET Client

  • The .NET Client team plans to release their 1.0 client during the fall.


  • Hard at work on the 3.5 release by finalizing APIs and adding more SAML2 support
  • Multi-Factor Calls continue almost weekly
  • Working on UI enhancements to the example UI which should provide a good basis for deployers

Community News

Community Call

September was the first month the new format for the community call, and it was a great success. Howard Gilbert, from Yale University, presented on their experience with clustering CAS using JBoss Cache. The slides and audio of that call can be found here:

Regional Meet Ups

The CAS Steering Committee is looking to organize regional meet ups with the following goals:

  • Facilitating local networking between CAS users
  • Introducing new co-workers to Jasig and open source
  • Sharing (and documenting) tips and other collective knowledge
  • Collaborating on outstanding issues and new features

We're looking to host our first one in the New York City area in order to get folks from Connecticut, New Jersey and New York. If your organization or institution can donate some space, please contact Scott Battaglia.

Future sites include Central Florida, Princeton, NJ, and the Seattle, Washington area.

Register your interest in a regional meet up: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CAS/Regional+Meet+Ups

Steering Committee Updates

The Steering Committee is starting its new term. Eric Pierce, who did not run for re-election, ended his term. We wish him well, and expect him to continue to be involved in Jasig CAS. William Thompson (who many of you may remember from the earlier uPortal days) joins us. Andrew Petro and Marvin Addison return for another term. Marvin was also elected by his peers to be this term's chair.

The committee is looking forward to continuing to drive the evolution of CAS and engage the CAS community.