2010-05-12 Community Call
2010-05-12 Community Call
2010-05-12 Community Call
Dial-In Information: 12:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am Central)
Conference Bridge: (641) 715-3200 640123#
Attendees: Marvin Addison, Jonathan Markow, Howard Gilbert, SusanBramhall, Joachim Fritschi from Germany (Welcome!), Kim Cary, PatrickB, Curtis Garman
Note Taker: Susan
Chair: Marvin
- CAS Server Roadmap and Updates
- CAS Client
- .NET Client
- phpCAS Client
- Plug for ACAMP
- CAS Server Roadmap and Updates
- CAS server 3.5 will include major re-factoring of core APIs (trunk is currently broken). CAS is moving towards multiprotocol single sign-on provider so using more generalized names. For example ticket nomenclature will disappear; session becomes a primary domain object. A goal is a very lightweight core API moving heavier dependencies to various implementations.
- It would be helpful to lay out new module structure and thinking about future thinking.
- Wiki home page clean up. It would be nice to file JIRA for documentation issues. Pat agrees to do that. CAS wiki - what is the purpose? A developer space, perhaps. This space needs to be cleaned up. Marvin willing to start work on this by reorganizing top level page. Scott and others can then update content appropriately.
- CAS Client
- .NET Client - currently in incubation and Marvin will update incubation status by Monday 5/17.
- phpCAS Client - Joachim from Germany - new lead for php CAS client. He is looking for assistance. Stabilize 1.1 tree and expects to start with new branch for future road map. VT can help test. Folks recommend announcing intentions to CAS-dev list and CAS-user list. Jonathan asks news go to news@jasig. Joachim will also let steering committee know his plans and needs.
- Plug for ACAMP
- Identity management issues under auspices of In Common and Jasig. Now closed at 75 people due to so much interest! Waiting list is coming.
- Question about Infinispan vs JBoss cache. Implementation of cache support seems to be stumbling block on lists. What is being used in production by contributing developer become first class features. Other implementations are more more fragile. Howard is able to provide some information about JBoss but would like to know where the info should go. A tactical guide for clustering CAS exists so that would be the right place to add container specific information. EVERYONE please look at CAS user manual in the tutorials and how-to section and make suggestions as to what to remove.
- Question about hibernate locking issue as raised on CAS list recently. Hibernate does not create indexes on certain foreign keys that are needed. Deadlocks go away if corrected. Marvin will update documentation on this issue and send citation to list.
- Next call will use Elluminate courtesy of Pepperdine University.
Action Items
- CAS wiki space improvements:
- EVERYONE please look at CAS user manual in the tutorials and how-to section and make suggestions as to what to remove and how reorganize content. Also point out areas not well documented. Send suggestions to CAS user list.
- Marvin will start with reorganization of top level. This space to become the developer area rather than the space for implementers.
- Scott and other developers please update and contribute content where needed.
- Pat, create JIRA tickets for documentation needs / errors and others will follow.
- Marvin will create a container specific area for documenting clustering configuration details and send out the location.
- Marvin will update the wiki with information on how to address dead lock issues
- Joachim announce plans for php client to CAS lists and jasig news.