

cas-spare v2, compared to latest version, offer
a better logs management, a SSL handshake
allowing to verify CAS server identity. Furthermore
a small bug has been corrected and IPv6
support has been optimized.

Only a few things have changed in configuration
files : some parameters have been removed
and SSL/TLS configuration is now available.

cas-spare v2 is used at Panthéon-Sorbonne university
(with 60000 users) since the beginning of March
and at the moment everything is all right.

The few CAS breakdowns we have,
caused by server reboot, LDAP breakdown or
network failure have been corrected by cas-spare V2
with success. Our CAS server perfectly support
50000 connections since 1 Mars 2006.

That's why I hope you'll use cas-spare v2.
This tool, very easy to install and configure,
is an insurance of peace of mind of system


If you need more information on this tool please
use this mailing list: cas-spare@cru.fr