CAS Wish List
Wish List
This is a list of features and improvements that someone has a wish for, but lacks resources to implement. They are captured here for future reference and as resource for potential future work. Items on this list are not on the current roadmap and there is no commitment that they will be worked on. That said, please feel free to add additional items to the list if you have a good idea for a new feature or improvement.
- Multi Factor Authentication
- Expired Password Integration
- User agent attributes as CAS attributes
- Ability to specify an auth handler with the redirect to the CAS server
- Ability to specify an auth handler with a specified LOA
- AllowedAuthenticationHandlers for RegisteredService
- Support for LoA in CAS (LoA = Level of Assurance)
- Support for OAuth (CAS-1041)
Enhance Monitoring and Management Capabilities
It would be helpful, particularly for enterprise and HA deployments, to expose Web service and/or JMX monitoring and management facilities for CAS to support common enterprise management and monitoring concerns such as the following:
- Determine number of active CAS sessions.
- Determine number of concurrent CAS sessions for a particular principal.
- Capability to reload/restart important components (e.g. ServiceRegistry).
- Capability to register and unregister services.
- CAS health check target that balances completeness of health evaluation (resource utilization, authentication system health, storage connection health, etc) with performance.
- Framework for integration with enterprise monitoring tools such as Nagios.
The specific implementation of management and monitoring functionality is second to the requirement that they are fundamentally scriptable and compatible with tooling.
Provide Package-based Deployment
A great number of first-time CAS deployers have considerable difficulty leveraging Maven war overlay as a deployment strategy due to lack of experience with Java and/or Maven. It would be helpful to deployers roughly described as sysadmins to provide a package-based deployment option such that the platform package manager could be used along with editing of configuration files in well-known locations to achieve a functional and maintainable CAS deployment. While initial support would be for the Debian packaging system, support for other package managers such as RPM could follow.
Completed Wish List
- Single Sign Out (make logout work for applications using cookie session management)
- Remember Me