2010-06-09 Community Call

2010-06-09 Community Call

2010-06-09 Community Call

Dial-In Information: 12:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am Central)
Conference Bridge: (641) 715-3200 640123#


  1. Scott Battaglia
  2. Susan Bramhall
  3. Marvin Addison
  4. Jonathan Markow
  5. Kim Cary
  6. Gary Maxwell

Note Taker: Marvin
Moderator: Scott


  1. CAS Server Roadmap and Updates
    1. New APIs
    2. New Supported Features
  2. CAS Client
    1. .NET Client
    2. phpCAS Client
    3. Java Client
    4. mod_auth_cas
  3. New Documentation Rules that will go into effect soon
  4. Mailing list issues
  5. Questions, Ideas, Open Floor, etc. (though feel free to ask questions throughout)
  6. Start Plugging UnConference


CAS server updates from Scott. Focus on API changes. Call for volunteers for regression testing user interface. Intent is to ensure library upgrades/changes do not break CAS. Authentication and session storage APIs are relatively stable. Need to attempt to exercise new ticket/session storage APIs for another backend to ensure the API is sound.

Marvin brought up the need for module maintainers to "eat their own dog food." For example the JBoss Cache storage backend for tickets is currently poorly maintained since no one using it is actively contributing to the codebase. We discussed developing a policy for evaluating integration features such as these where lack of maintainer who uses feature in production would be mark against the feature. This would be weighed against importance, popularity, and other factors in determining whether to keep or deprecate a feature.

API extension points for multifactor authentication are being examined concurrently with general API work for 3.5. Discussed opening up design and development process to community via mailing list.

Discussed recruiting volunteers for development and testing phpCAS client. In general it may be helpful to lower barrier to get involved by distributing packaged resources such as WAR deployables, VM appliances, etc. The CAS steering committee will review and discuss these strategies.

Java client updates: numerous bug fixes, hostname verifier configuration, JAAS support, encoding changes.

We discussed inviting all CAS client leads to participate in community calls as a natural way to facilitate communication. Send email or other status report if cannot attend call.

Gary asked about CAS server/.NET client integration w/r/t SAML 1.1. Will post his particular error to the cas-user list for further support.

Action Items

  1. Scott will solicit volunteers to develop UI test cases for CAS (e.g. Selenium).
  2. Marvin will draft architecture diagrams for existing 3.5 codebase.
  3. Marvin attempt to leverage new API for JBoss Cache storage backend.
  4. Scott will follow up with mod_auth_cas developers for status update.
  5. Kim will follow up with Joachim (phpCAS lead) on cas-user list to attempt to recruit volunteers for phpCAS testing and development.
  6. Scott will follow up with Princeton on .NET client status.