CAS4 Development

CAS4 Development

CAS4 Development

This page and its child pages details the efforts going into the CAS4 development. While the roadmap has not been finalized, its expected that the CAS development for CAS4 will be significantly larger than the development team for CAS3 and thus we want to formalize a few more of the items than were formalized for CAS3, as well as possibly update a few items.

Its expected that the development team for CAS4 will consist of people who can be anything from junior to senior developers/architects, and thus it will be very important to be able to "sandbox" new developers as well as provide as much guidance, management and constructive feedback as possible.


The people who so far have agreed to contribute to the CAS project are listed below along with their roles. This list does not include the people who have been assisting in the roadmap design, because they are enumerated elsewhere.


  • CAS Steering Committee


Contributors (roles not defined yet)


  • Pascal AUBRY - French
  • Shoji Kajita - Japanese
  • Mert Çalışkan - Turkish
  • Emi Lu - Simplified Chinese
  • Michel Beheregaray - Catalan
  • Miguel Morillo Yruela - Spanish
  • ScottS - English

