Creating an IRC Channel

Creating an IRC Channel

Jasig uses Freenode's IRC servers for various channels that allow developers and implementers to collaborate in real time. All Jasig related IRC channels should use the #jasig- prefix for their name and the channel should be registered with chanserv.

Registering your Nickname

To be able to register a channel you first must register your nickname. This reserves the name for your use and allows people to be sure you are who you claim to be. See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering on how to register.

Creating an IRC Channel

  1. Join the channel.
    • /join #jasig-portlets
  2. Register the channel with ChanServ
    • /msg chanserv register #jasig-portlets
  3. Setup the channel with the following options
    • /msg ChanServ SET #jasig-portlets KEEPTOPIC ON - Keeps the last topic even if the channel is empty
    • /msg ChanServ SET #jasig-portlets GUARD ON - Makes ChanServ idle in the channel, helps prevent unauthorized people from gaining OP if they are the first ones in
    • /msg ChanServ SET #jasig-portlets SECURE ON - Only users on the OP list may be granted OP privileges

Managing IRC Users

In most cases there is no need for the use of the Operator, Voice and other features of IRC but it is good to have a set of users that have Operator privileges in case of harassment by other IRC users. An easy way to manage this is to give OP access to the development team of the project the IRC channel is for. To grant OP access the user must have a registered nickname then run the command:

  • /msg ChanServ FLAGS #jasig-portlets UserNick +vV+oO

Channel Logging

Jasig runs a small IRC bot on developer.jasig.org that can monitor any number of IRC channels and log them to Confluence instances. To have logging for your channel setup please contact infrastructure@lists.ja-sig.org infrastructure@apereo.org with the following information

Confluence URLhttps://wiki.jasig.org/rpc/xmlrpc
Confluence Usernamebotuser
Confluence Passwordbotpassword
Confluence Space KeyUPC
Confluence Page Structure

'uPortal IRC Logs'
'uPortal IRC Logs-'yyyy
'uPortal IRC Logs-'yyyy-MM
'uPortal IRC Logs-'yyyy-MM-dd

IRC Server Hostirc.freenode.net
IRC Server Port6667
IRC Server Password (optional)ircbotpass
IRC Bot Nickname


IRC Channel#jasig-uportal
IRC On-Join Notification#jasig-uportal is being logged to: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/uPortal+IRC+Logs

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