Publishing Maven Sites

Project Configuration

Setting up a Jasig project to publish a Maven site.

  1. Make sure the project is using the latest jasig-parent pom
  2. Add the following profiles to the project's POM. Changing the PROJECT_NAME path element to the artifactId of the project.
     | Used by the continuous integrations server to deploy the project site.
     | Should be activated manually by a developer that wishes to deploy a maven site for
     | the project
  3. Change the top level <url> element to:
  4. If the project needs to add additional reports or customize reporting plugin use the following examples. Note the defaultMergePolicy, combine.children, merge:children, and merge:removeDuplicates elements are key to making the override work
    • Adding memory and additional links to the javadoc plugin
              <reportPlugins combine.children="append">
                          <links merge:children="BOTH" merge:removeDuplicates="true">
              <reportPlugins combine.children="append">
                          <links merge:children="BOTH" merge:removeDuplicates="true">
    • Adding the maven-plugin-plugin report
              <reportPlugins combine.children="append">

Staging the Site

Before deploying the site you should run the following command to test the site generation:

mvn clean install site:site site:stage -Pmanual-site

Deploying the Site

To deploy the site run:

mvn clean install site:site site:stage -Pmanual-site

If deploying the site after cutting a release run:

cd target/checkout
mvn site:site site:stage -Pmanual-site