Creating a new Jira Project

Users in the jira-administrators group can create new Jira projects. See the Group Management page for information on who is a member of the jira-administrators group.

Follow the following steps:

  1. Login to Jira
  2. From the top menu find the Administration sub-menu and select "Projects"
  3. From the "Projects" page select "Create Project"
  4. Fill out the form
    • Use incubation request title as Project name
    • Choose an appropriate space key from title (for example multi word titles, you might use the first letter of each word in the title)
    • Use description from incubation request for project description (if appropriate)
    • Find the same Jira user who submitted the incubation request and selected him/her as project lead
    • Use Default Notification Scheme
    • Use Default Permission Scheme
    • Use Default Security Scheme
  5. Submit form
  6. Select View members under the Project Roles: option
    1. Determine the appropriate owner and developer groups for the project based on the Group Management detail. For example any portlet or uPortal related project should use upc-steering-committee as the owner group and upc-portlet-developers as the developer group.
    2. Set the project owner group using the Edit link in the Groups column for the Administrators role.
    3. Set the project developers group using the Edit link in the Groups column for the Developers role.
  7. Select the appropriate Category via the Select Category link.