2011 Website Redesign - initial rollout
2011 Website Redesign - initial rollout
The initial rollout of the redesigned Jasig website is staged at http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/. We would like to make this live before Monday, 8/15. If you see any show-stopper issues, please make note of them by commenting on this page. We'll edit this page to reflect planned changes.
You can also comment on this page with non-critical suggestions for improvements to the redesign.
Thanks for your feedback!
Pre-launch Modifications
Disable slide-down drawer
Have uPortal deployment scrolling list show more than one at a time, fill the column and filter out deployments that are missing logos - now a grid but will look at doing a scrolling
Add featured checkbox to screencasts
Add "featured" screencast block to the bottom of http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/uportal/see-it
Remove placeholders on http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/uportal/see-it
Fix providers link on http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/node/777
Add incubator to projects menu
Scope the main left menu for the project pages at the project level
remove the global "Join the Discussion" and "Quick Links" blocks- done for uportal and cas - not sure what to do about the others at the moment
Remove transparency of the icons on top
Look at modifying the bottom border of the hovered icon
Add a "last updated" view of all content to both sites - see http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/search/node/content-browser and http://www.jasig.org/search/node/content-browser
Column bleeding issue on CAS pages
Extraneous left menu on uportal article pages (e.g. http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/umobile-project-announcement-call-partic)
Jim or others will review list and see what needs to be transferred over.
Replace Incubator logo with stylized Incubator word
Round Two Modifications (within weeks)
- Add YouTube widget to http://www.jasig.webchuckhosting.com/uportal/see-it
- Create project items for all projects, including those in incubation
- Add incubator project list to bottom of incubator home page
- Consider merging uPortal documentation page with uPortal support page
- Add published dates to the news article pages
- Look for a way to highlight wiki/Jira
Round Three Modifications
- Interesting incubator logo, perhaps involving an egg