06summer general suggestions

06summer general suggestions


This page has been created to collect general suggestions regarding the upcoming JA-SIG conference.


JSR 286: Portlet Specification 2.0 - I'd like to see something about JSR 286: Portlet Specification 2.0 - I'd love to see some presentation material on what significant changes the new portlet specification is likely to bring for future portlet development.  Ideally this would be presented by somebody in the know about the new specification (for example somebody involved from IBM, Sun or Apache Pluto project).  Suggested by Mark McLaren

A comparison of Portlet development frameworks - I'm also interested in Portlet development frameworks, so some sort of presentation regarding the merits of JSF vs Spring MVC Portlet vs Struts Bridge (vs ...) would be very interesting. Suggested by Mark McLaren

Scaling uPortal - Strategies for load balancing, performance, and deployments across multiple servers. Suggested by Ken McCrery