06Summer prior suggestions

06Summer prior suggestions

What topics would you like to hear about at the JA-SIG conferences?

Suggestions from evaluation forms collected at the 2005 summer conference.

Adoption strategies and metrics

Aggregated layout creation process

Application used on Academic side, such as admissions, teaching tools, distance learning, etc.

Architecting a single sign-on

Aspect oriented programming


Banner - Luminis

Beginning - How to evaluate needs and how to get started

Best practices for architecture, channel development, database, etc.



Case studies of new implementations and challenges, general experience sharing.

Case studies re: implementations

Channel development

Channel migration from one instance to another (re Dev -> Test -> Prod Environments)

Channels - would love to see presentation of different institutions' implementations of the same thing - say 20 minutes each on 3 different courses, or calendars, or email, or etc.

COLS 3.0 and JSR 168 portlets

Content creation and management.

Cross portal integration (e.g. techniques for tying other enterprise portals) when getting rid of the 'other'

Custom channel development - hands on

Customize look and feel


Deployment (new) for small schools

Deployment issues

Design and development

Design patterns

Detailed topics of real life problems, i.e. "DLM Best Practices" roundtable discussions on different ways to solve some problem.

determining who/how content is organized in the portal.

Developing complex portlets, with examples.


Development Environments

Development Frameworks

Development Strategies

Development tools.




Email strategies - email clients with in he portal.

End user experience

Engaging campus units in providing content

Enterprise instant messaging solutions


ESB implementation


Gathering uPortal usage statistics

Getting oriented to the tools and their uses in "getting started" - when and why do you "wiki" vs lists vs ??


Have a showcase of new ideas for channels and cool ideas as to how to develop them.

How have schools dealt with certain policy issues related to implementation, e.g. getting buy-in

How to get a development environment up and running.

How to make uPortal accessible.


Identity management

Implementation in the organization

IMS and OKI as they relate to uPortal.

Integrating commercial applications

Integration with external apps.

Interface design and implementation.

Intro sessions on the different JA-SIG software initiatives

IoC container comparison

J2EE development, Java 5

JA-SIG Directions

Java deployment / development

Java Server Faces

Java Server tuning

Java tools

Jira and wiki collaboration tools


JSR 168 

Kiosk demos of apps developed by people attending JA-SIG

Library integration

License Management

Linking between systems

Load balancing

Load balancing DBs

Locking down channels and tabs - preventing access to preferences

Logging unit testing

Luminis / uPortal comparison & compatibility

Luminis/uPortal integration

Management of identities / services 

Management of Java projects

Migrating from SLM/ALM to DLM

More "how we did it" sessions that review uPortal feature sets and services

MVC frameworks

Novel UI/UE concepts, more new development concepts

Ongoing support models/strategies/structures

Open EAI

Panel: favorite channels

Performance tuning

Politics and policies of Enterprise portals

Portal based architecture

Portal Governance best practices.

Portal logic to stored procedures on DB

Portal usability, testing

Portlet development


Portlets running in uPortal

Practical WSRP implementations

Project Management

Rich client applications

Roadmap to Enterprise Comm / Open source projects


Sakai integration

Sakai integration with uPortal


Session on common problems/resolutions: ask the experts (roundtable?).  

Shibboleth as it relates to uPortal and CAS.

Single sign-on


SOA implementation


Spring Framework

Spring Portlet MVC

Spring web flows

SSN elimination

Standards Evolution and Development

Starting from Scratch

Stats and logging

Strategies for converting to portlets


Success stories

Sun ID Management


Technology (depth not breadth) on channel development

Testing - more about how it's done.  Look at uPortal from a user perspective.  Navigation and depth could be an issue.

The Kuali Project 


University Java development methodologies (e.g. XP, RUP)

Upgrade paths

uPortal 101: the Basics as a Help to Mgmt

uPortal 3 stuff...

uPortal and Security risks

uPortal at small schools

uPortal commerical versions - compare working with RSS (not what is RSS)

uPortal Deployment

uPortal GUI

uPortal usability issues.

uPortal Usage statistics

uPortal v. commercial offerings: pros, cons, and how to choose.

uPortal, JA-SIG and libraries

Usability and User-Centered Design

Use of tools for portlet development

UW Calendar / Bedework 

UW Madison results of migration

Version control

VTSurvey Tool

Web services - ASP models

Web services, especially some detailed technical sessions on the "standard" technologies used by Sakai and other Java tools as well as uPortal. Or a "Web Services Protocols and APIs used by JA-SIG projects Overview."  Or 'pros and cons' of choosing web services for JA-SIG projects.

Web Services, practical implementation

What I need to know to get off the ground.

Work in Progress sessions.
