Open Source in Higher Ed - UnConf08
Open Source in Higher Ed - UnConf08
Impediments to OS on Campus
- Lack of Marketing
Upper management has a tough time finding information - Lack of follow through in projects
- Lack of exposure (presence and mindshare) at the forums that count
E.g., Lack of organized presence at EDUCAUSE - Misconceptions still exist, especially at the executive level (complicated, difficult to support)
- No understanding that successful OS implementations are actually OS (Redhat, Apache)
- Need to counter the FUD
- "It doesn't cost money" - but it really does cost
- There is no good cost analysis published
- Lack of published business cases
- "There is no support"
- "Implementation is more difficult"
- Sharing of institution's contributions may be resisted by the institution
- Need to convince people that collaborating and sharing is in their best interest
- Share code may result in ability to share support and share in others code
- "Why should we give this investment away for free? Can't we make lots-o-money selling it?"
But you then would lose the opportunity to share effort; others might stop giving. - Enlightened self interest
- We (i.e., technologists or OS community) need to stop saying "'They' are too ignorant to get it." Stop the brow-beating
- procurement, marketing, road maps
- we have too many license types - need to normalize
- Need to clearly state risks (and lack of)
- We need to compete on value and ROI
- The current procurement process shifts response expense to the vendors ($30-50K); the licensing money covers sales and marketing; the OS Community lacks the capacity to respond.
- We are likely to see resistance to special considerations of OS during the procurement process. We need to come up with an alternative process that can be generally applied. Openess, audit-ability, ...
- The procurement process is not our problem to solve. The institution needs to solve it.
- "What about support?"
- "Who do I turn to?"
What can we do? What do we need to do?
- Stanford set up "TASK"?? ; a place where management can go to get information regarding open source
- The Executive Directors from a number of Community OS projects are putting together a panel at EDUCAUSE
- Universities (e.g., Oregon State Universities, RPI, some UK/JISC group) have open source labs that get funding from some external sources (e.g., google); establishing these connections can be beneficial towards our shared goals
- JASIG Web Presence Redesign is improving marketing
- Can we pool resources to help create/fund/support entities that can help fill the gap in procurement/support?
- Can we make a boiler plate RFP response? "Build your own RFP"; would need to be kept up to date.
- http://www.oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/procurement08.xml