Spring 2010 Poster Session
Enjoy great food! Share ideas with your colleagues! Learn something new!
Monday Evening Poster Session
On Monday evening we will gather in a large room where you can enjoy refreshments and browse various poster presentations. This provides a forum for presenters to highlight their projects and share their successful ideas with the community. Poster presentations provide conference participants an opportunity to quickly and easily become acquainted with what others in the open source community are doing. Keep an eye on the wiki page of scheduled posters.
Great Opportunity for Presenters
Poster sessions offer a great opportunity for first time presenters. You will engage with a smaller group in a more informal setting. If you are new to presenting, this is a chance for you to get your feet wet without facing a large audience. Experienced presenters can use this opportunity if their talk was unable to fit into the main program or if they want to gage interest for a possible one hour presentation in the future.
Great Opportunity for Attendees
Food and drink will be available in the room. Attendees will be able to grab a snack and visit the poster presentations. The informal nature of the even encourages interaction between presenters and attendees. This dialog provides an opportunity for a fruitful exchange of ideas. Everyone is certain to leave the Poster Session enriched!
Sign Up to do a Poster
It is not too late to schedule a poster! Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to reserve a spot, we need to know your name, the title of your poster, and a brief abstract of the presentation. Please update the wiki page of scheduled posters and send an email to Jim Helwig. If you have special setup or equipment needs, let us know.
Each presenter will have a 6'x30" table that they can use for displaying traditional posters. We can provide the large , tri-fold poster boards (4' wide x 3' tall - center section is 2' wide by 3' tall, two wings are 1' wide by 3' tall) and tacks or tape to presenters for assembling posters on-site. They are like the posters you'd see at a Science Fair. The facing is white, the back is cardboard. You may wish to supplement your poster with laptop demonstrations. Wireless Internet and power strips will be available.
Scheduled Posters
Visit the Spring 2010 Scheduled Posters page for a list of posters scheduled so far.