Spring 2010 Scheduled Posters

Spring 2010 Scheduled Posters

Posters Scheduled to Date

The following poster presentations are currently scheduled for Monday evening. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please add your information to this table and send an email to Jim Helwig. General information about the poster session is here.

Note to presenters: Indicate in the special requirements if you need a tri-fold poster board, power for your laptop, or have other special requirements. The poster boards are 4 feet wide x 3 feet tall. They are heavy cardboard and stand up on a tabletop. The tables are 6'x30".


Poster Title

Poster Abstract

Special Requirements

Ofer Ballin

Kaltura: The Future of Video in Education

Kaltura's open source video platform powers video and rich-media across campus. The platform provides a set of interactive building blocks and out-of-the-box tools to integrate with learning management systems, libraries, university websites, and even create an internal "youtube" for the university.


Bernard Somphone

Ametys: a web CMS tailored for JASIG community

Ametys (www.ametys.org) is a Java Open Source web CMS used by many French universities. The platform shares many technologies and standards with uPortal and provides connectors with common components of higher education IT (SSO-CAS, LDAP, Dashboard portlet...). It also beats most of other web CMS in terms of user experience and content reuse, with appealing UI and dedicated accessibilty features.

Poster board, power, wifi,


uPortal extension: Subscribe to a Tab

Yale had a requirement for users to be able to add entire pre-made tabs to their layout.  Under the covers we implemented the ability for users to add a new fragment to their layout. I will demo the function in my tiny laptop screen. (wink)
Added bonus: tour of Yale Portal features for anyone interested.

Poster board, power, wifi