2012-06-14 Balancing Student Privacy & Openness in Sakai's Open Academic Environment


Balancing Student Privacy & Openness in Sakai's Open Academic Environment


Jon Hays (University of California, Berkeley)
Lucy Alpert (New York University)
Clay Fenlason (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Oliver Heyer (University of California, Berkeley)
Robert Squillace (New York University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 14, 2012, 9:00 AM


Peachtree Ballroom


(Empty for now - What's this?)


UC Berkeley, NYU, and Georgia Tech have worked closely with their faculty and students to pilot early releases of Sakai's Open Academic Environment (OAE) for more than a year. As the name implies, OAE represents a paradigm shift away from many of the assumptions of a traditional learning management system and affords users great freedom to share information about themselves and their work, both within and beyond their institutions. In this session, we will share how we have currently chosen to configure our instances of OAE and describe the upcoming challenges we will face in order to balance our users' needs, our institutional policies, and differing interpretations of FERPA regulations. We intend our presentation to be brief in order to allow sufficient time for a detailed discussion with the session participants on how to support privacy policies and individual needs for privacy while encouraging open collaboration and sharing.


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