Incubation BOF May 2011
Incubation BOF May 2011
- How hard is it anyway?
- Mostly mechanical, most steps can be viewed on the jira ticket
- Developing community, getting adoption, can be difficult
- Incubation committee is more for prodding the submitters, instead of helping build community itself
- Email list - for announcing Incubation changes (newly submitted projects, graduated projects)
- and/or twitter feed?
- newsletter (e.g., these projects need a new committer)
- use existing jasig-announce email list, use existing jasig twitter account
- dont want projects to wait 3 months to start incubation
- but projects COULD wait up to 3 months to EXIT incubation
- what alternative to meeting could be employed to accept projects into incubation?
- "spotlight" up to 3 incubating projects per Jasig newsletter
- Currently there is no link from www.jasig.org to the Incubation Jira project, so it's hard to know what's incubating
- no link from process page either
- Jasig as a 'repository' of portlets that could be run in other portal containers, not just uPortal
- What's the status of the Jasig newsletter? If it's dead, should we create a monthly incubation email to jasig-announce?
- give project leads some way to request their project be in the next 'spotlight' mention
, multiple selections available,