OpenRegistry Planning Group Agenda Items

#DescriptionPriority (1=high)Next Steps


  1. Rutgers Registry Demo
  2. Download and install the source

Post existing - 2

Generate new content - 5

  1. Omer to send out link to recording from CIFER demo (done)

"Quick Start" Demo (easy to download, easy to get running)

DML scripts to populate OR reference data tables? Spring Batch "sample" quick start?

  1. Identify requirements for Quick Start (vs current state)
3"Live" Demo (hosted on a server somewhere)5 
4"Where OR Fits In Your IdMS" Document1

See Side of Box and CIFER Technical Architecture


"Side of the Box" Document

  1. Match & Merge
  2. Identifier Assignment
  3. Early Onboarding
  4. Override SOR Data
  5. OR as SOR
  1. Review Side of Box
6Review current implementation (source, data model, etc) and identify refactoring points for community-oriented needs2
  1. Review Rutgers UI vs Jasig UI and figure out what the path forward is

Roadmap planning

  1. What items belong on the roadmap? (gather requirements from community) - examples: Workflow, Business Rule engines, Provisioning, etc.
  2. What constitutes a 1.0 release?
  3. What available resources will drive the assignment of features to releases?
  4. OpenRegistry "core" features, additional/optional features (eg: account management), features for other products
  1. Discuss on 10/9 call
  2. Compare Side of Box against current implementation and community requirements to generate 1.0 roadmap

Clean up JIRA

  1. Align with roadmap
  2. Clear stale tickets and assignments
  3. Adjust priorities
3Dependent on #7?

Clean up wiki

  1. Consolidate OR and ORUM?
  2. Update architecture diagrams
  3. Update data model documentation, including brief explanation of core tables
  4. API documentation
10Define project governance to fulfill Incubation Exit Strategy (old)4 
11OpenRegistry Monthly Developer Calls 
  1. Omer to send out reminders to -dev list
12International outreach?  
13Facilitate developer participation. Move source to git?  

Need Resources

  1. Other than Rutgers , no other institute or vendor has committed any resources to help with the upcoming development work
  2. Rutgers will work on the items listed here based on resource availability and business priorities
  1. Discuss this on (after 9/25/2012) call
15Publish to maven repository  
16Determine strategy for UI - revitalize Jasig UI? port Rutgers UI? start from scratch?1Â