Side of Box

This document should move to a different location when the wiki is cleaned up.


OpenRegistry Core
  • Person & Non-Person Entity Registry Services
    • Interfaces (from Systems of Records (SORs) and to Downstream Systems)
      • Batch
      • ESB / Message Queue
      • Web Services / REST API
      • Web UI (UI Console)
      • CIFER API Support
        • SOR-Registry
        • Identity Match
        • Registry-Provisioning
      • Workflow Support
        • Used in Provisioning/Deprovisioning
        • Approvals and attestation
          • Guest Creation/Role Extension
          • Early on-boarding
          • Notifications
          • Certify account
        • Notification
          • Data resolver
        • schedule
      • Rule engine
      • Downstream resources (Services and assets)
    • Identity Data Workflow
      • Load
      • Validate
      • Normalize
      • Standardize
      • Reconcile
        • Identity Match (internal or plugin)
      • Identify
        • Identifier Assignment
      • Elect
      • Calculate
    • Support Tools
      • Self Service
      • Delegated Administration
        • Merge/Split Identities
        • Early Onboarding
        • (Provisional) Override of SOR Data
        • Audit & Reporting
    • Layered Data Model
      • Raw, Standardized, & Calculated Records
  • Infrastructure
    • Choice of Databases
    • Scalable
    • Supports HA and DR Deployments
    • Monitoring Hooks
OpenRegistry Optional Extensions
  • Person & Non-Person Entity Registry Services
    • Guest Management / OpenRegistry as SOR
    • Identifier Mapping Service
    • LoA Tracking
  • Account & Credential Registry Services
    • Account Metadata
    • Credential Metadata
    • Self Service Tools
    • Workflow
  • Infrastructure
    • Grouper Integration