

uPortal Environment Requirements

To build and run uPortal full-source version , you will need the following:

To build and run the uPortal quick-start version (bundled package for simple and quick evaluation; downloaded zip or tar.gz includes self-contained Tomcat/maven/ant but you still need to have your own Java installed), download the quick-start version and continue to the Building and Deploying uPortal instructions.  You do not need to do the rest of the items on this page (though you do need your own Java installed and setup as indicated below if you don't already have that).

Install Java JDK

Unix/Linux Maven Installation
  1. If not already present on your system, download and install Java.
  2. Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/jdk1.8
Windows Java Installation
  1. If not already present on your system, download and install Java.
  2. Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK

    • open up the system properties (WinKey + Pause)
    • select the "Advanced" tab
    • click the "Environment Variables" button
    • create the JAVA_HOME variable in the user variables or system variables with the value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8 (this directory should be present on your system after Java installation)
  1. Update the Path environment variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin (which should come first or early) using the Step 2 instructions.
  2. Open a new command prompt (Winkey + R then type cmd) and run java -version to verify that it is correctly installed.

Installing Apache Maven

The uPortal 4.2.0 manual originally stated Maven 3.0.3. I found that the initdb failed after updating the SimpleContentPortlet from v1.x to v2.x due to incompatible slf4j API versions. I found that Maven 3.2.2 worked fine so I updated these instructions to use Maven 3.2.2 instead of 3.0.3.

Unix/Linux Maven Installation
  1. Download Maven
  2. Extract the archive (apache-maven-3.2.x-bin.tar.gz) in the directory you wish to install Maven

    tar -xvf apache-maven-3.2.x-bin.tar.gz
  3. Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK

    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/jdk1.x
  4. Configure the M2_HOME and MAVEN_OPTS environment variables

    On Ubuntu, by default Maven is typically found under /usr/share/maven2

    export M2_HOME=/path/to/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.2.x
    export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
  5. Add Java and Maven to your PATH

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
  6. Run the following command to verify that it is correctly installed

    mvn --version
Windows Maven Installation
  1. Download Maven
  2. Unzip the archive, apache-maven-3.2.x-bin.zip to the directory you wish to install Maven (i.e., C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation)

    unzip apache-maven-3.2.x.bin.zip
  3. Add the M2_HOMEenvironment variable
    • open up the system properties (WinKey + Pause)
    • select the "Advanced" tab
    • click the "Environment Variables" button
    • create the M2_HOME variable in the user variables with the value C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.2.x
    • create the MAVEN_OPTS variable in the user variables with the value -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
  4. Same as above (*-nix instructions), make sure that JAVA_HOME exists in your user variables or in the system variables and set the location of your JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.x)
  5. Update the Path environment variable to include both %JAVA_HOME%\bin (which should come first or early) and %M2_HOME%\bin (which may come last or late) using the Step 3 instructions.
  6. Open a new command prompt (Winkey + R then type cmd) and run mvn --version to verify that it is correctly installed.

Installing Apache Ant

  1. Download Apache Ant (it needs to be version 1.8.2; you can get that older version of Ant here: http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/ )
  2. Extract the archive in the directory you wish to install Apache Ant

    //extracting tar.gz archive
    tar -xvf apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz
  3. Add the ANT_HOMEenvironment variable

    export ANT_HOME=/path/to/apache-ant-1.8.2
  4. Make sure the JAVA_HOMEenvironment variable is setup

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk-1.x
  5. Add the ANT_HOME to the PATHvariable

    export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin
  6. Confirm that your Ant installation is working by running the following command

    ant -version

Having problems with these instructions?

Please send us feedback at uportal-user@lists.jasig.org

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