Configure the Database
Configure the Database
uPortal Default Database Configuration
uPortal is configured to use a file-based HSQL database by default. This database configuration is not suitable for production deployments and best used for testing purposes.
uPortal does support a number of popular production-class databases and you can configure the database by following the examples posted under uPortal Production Database Configuration.
Step 1: Configure the Database Filter
1. In the filters folder, locate the default local.properties file under uPortal-4.1/filters/local.properties and configure the Database Connection Settings
# HSQL Configuration environment.build.hsql.port=8887 # Database Connection Settings (Uncomment the Maven Filters section in rdbm.properties) environment.build.hibernate.connection.driver_class=org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver environment.build.hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:${environment.build.hsql.port}/uPortal environment.build.hibernate.connection.username=sa environment.build.hibernate.connection.password= environment.build.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect environment.build.hibernate.connection.validationQuery=select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS
Step 2: Add the database driver
NEW: Open uportal-db/pom.xml file, uncomment and/or modify as needed the driver(s) of your choice
- Add the appropriate version properties to the root pom.xml file or enter the appropriate version below
... <dependencies> <!-- Add any db drivers that are applicable to *any* of your environments --> <dependency> <groupId>org.hsqldb</groupId> <artifactId>hsqldb</artifactId> <version>${hsqldb.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <!-- | The following db drivers should be uncommented and/or modified as needed for server | deployments. (Add all thaat are needed.) Don't forget to add appropriate .version | properties to the root pom.xml, or simply enter the appropriate version below. +--> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>${postgres.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.ibm.db2</groupId> <artifactId>db2-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${db2.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.sqlserver</groupId> <artifactId>sqljdbc4</artifactId> <version>${mssql.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>${mysql.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.oracle</groupId> <artifactId>ojdbc6_g</artifactId> <version>${oracle.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.sybase</groupId> <artifactId>sybase-jconnect</artifactId> <version>${sybase.version}</version> </dependency> --> </dependencies>
Step 3: Test the database configuration
To test your database configuration from the command-line:
ant dbtest
uPortal Production Database Configuration
Select the database below for notes and examples of configuration.
- DB2
- HypersonicSQL
- MS SQL Server and MS JDBC Driver
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Sybase SQL Server
- Using JNDI managed DataSources