Apereo uPortal Upgrade and Compatibility Notes
Apereo uPortal Upgrade and Compatibility Notes
Apereo uPortal Upgrade and Compatibility Notes
uPortal can be directly upgraded from any previous version to any later version. Please check the update notes found below for any intermediate versions to find steps you may need to perform after the upgrade. Also refer to the Upgrading page.
After Every Upgrade
Please run: ant db-update
This will ensure that if there were any hibernate changes that your database is updated accordingly. This will update the schema, but will not populate the data (that's done by ant data-import opererations).
NOTE: You can also run the command 'ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DoutputDir=update-sql db-gen-update-script' to have the DDL written to the update-sql directory to inspect the SQL that would be run and manually execute it.
Latest 4.0, or uPortal 4.1 with Universality theme to 4.2:
- To upgrade to uPortal 4.2.0 you must do an ant initdb. Export your current layouts, portlet definitions, and other entities and integrate the changes into the uPortal 4.2's uportal-war/src/main/data folder. uPortal 4.2 does not support the Universality theme so you will need to re-do your layout files using the Respondr theme.
- To use the database-backed PAGS configuration, you must integrate your custom changes to PAGSGroupStoreConfig.xml into default.person-attribute-group-store.xml.
4.1 to 4.2
- Do not need to do an initdb (unless you are using the Universality theme, see above)
- If using XML-based PAGS suggest switching to database-backed PAGS. This will be strongly suggested with uPortal 4.3 to take advantage of Ad-hoc groups (Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.). See Additional References section.
4.2 to 4.3
- If using XML-based PAGS, strongly suggest switching to database-backed PAGS to take advantage of Ad-hoc groups ( ). See Additional References section.
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