To use SUN's visualgc tool, you will need a monitoring and a monitored machine. For this example I will be using a windows xp machine to do the monitoring, and a solaris box running tomcat 5.5.17, uPortal 2.5.2 as the machine I wish to monitor.
Note: The JVM on the solaris box is
We used most of the jvm settings from this wiki page.
Monitoring Box (windows xp)
- Download and install the full jdk (not a jre) on the monitoring box (I installed jdk-6u2-nb-5_5_1-win-ml.exe).
- Download and extract jvmstat 3.0
- Install jvmstat and follow the bundled instructions. Online instructions.
Portal Box (Solaris)
- Create a policy file for jstatd to use. Step 5 Online instructions
Running VisualGC
Portal Box (Solaris)
- Start jstatd located in the bin directory of your 1.5+ jre pointing to the policy file (./jstatd -J-Djava.security.policy=/path/to/jstatd.policy)
- Determine the process id of the portal tomcat java process.
- Run jps (it is in the same directory as jstatd).
- # ./jps
13847 Bootstrap
1383 Bootstrap
1370 Bootstrap
3343 Bootstrap
13504 Jps
13503 Bootstrap- Note: On solaris tomcat identifies itself as Bootstrap by default. You can use top and lsof to determine which bootstrap is the heap you wish to monitor.
- Lets say 13503 is the portal/tomcat java process.
Monitoring Box (windows xp)
- Open a cmd window.
- run visualgc 13503@portal.university.edu
Here are some pictures of the tool, showing a before and after (tuning our java heap) view of our portal heap.
Before |
After |